View Full Version : So scared to take medicine that I need to take!!

06-05-13, 22:29
Long story short, I got a staph infection from a bug bite and have to take Bactrim DS for 10 days, twice a day. I get really anxious and scared when I have to take any kind of medicine! I hate it, I worry about all the side effects, other drug interactions ( I take amitryptyline for migraines), etc... Plus my friend just had to go on this and broke out in hives! I keep checking myself all day, I feel so itchy although that is probably my anxiety, I have a headache. I just feel awful and anxious! Ive taken this medicine twice before and been fine, but they always say the more you take it the more you could have a reaction.

Anybody experience the same? Anyone have suggestions on how to get through this and the next 10 days!! Thanks!!

06-05-13, 22:48
This is more common than you think so you are not alone.

I am a Home Carer and spend my life giving out meds to the elderly, most of these have survived wars and yet they have more fear sometimes of taking the tablet they need.

You have taken this med before and been fine with it, it may not have suited your friend.

If you have any concerns phone the pharmacy, they are fantastic with any help over medication.

But you are definately not on your own with this, i myself in the past have had to be convinced that nothing bad is going to happen over taking certain meds.

Di x

07-05-13, 00:17
Thanks for the reply Di!! Its hard because sometimes I don't know which is the bigger fear, the infection itself or the fear of the medicine. I never used to be this way until my oldest, and then youngest, both had horrible hive/rash reactions to an antibiotic. Ever since I get so upset about taking any prescription, even over the counter, meds! Ugh! It is so exhausting. Thanks again for the advice!!