View Full Version : Born 1930 - 1979!

07-05-13, 00:22
Born 1930 - 1979!

Those of you Born
1930 - 1979

1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's!

First, we survived being born to mothers
Who smoked and/or
drank while they were

They took aspirin, ate
blue cheese dressing,
Tuna from a can and
didnt get tested for

Then after that trauma,
we were put to sleep on
our tummies in baby
cribs covered with
bright colored
lead-base paints.

We had no childproof
lids on medicine
Locks on doors or
cabinets and when we
Our bikes, we had
baseball caps not
helmets on our heads.

As infants & children,
We would ride in cars
with no car seats,
No booster seats, o
seat belts, no air bangs,
Bald tires and
sometimes no brakes.

Riding in the back of a
pick-up truck on a
warm day
Was always a special

We drank water
From the garden hose
and not from a bottle.

We shared one soft
drik with four friends,
From one bottle and no one actually died
from this.

We ate cupcakes, white
bread, real butter and
We drank Kook-Aid
made with real white
And, we weren't
Because we were
Always outside
playing...that's why!

We would leave home
in the morning and play
all day,
As long as we were
back when the
Streetlights came on.

No one was able
To reach us all day.
And, we were O.K.

We would spend hours
building our go-carts
out of scraps
And then ride them
down the hill, only to
find out
We forgot the brakes.
After running ito the
a few times, we learned
to solve the problem.

We did not have Playstations,
Nintendo's and
There were no video
games, no 150
channels on cable,
No video movies or DVD'S no
surround-sound or CD's,
No cell phones, No
personal computers, no
Internet and no chat
And we went outside
and found them!

We fellout of trees, got
cut, broke bones and
And there were no
lawsuits from these

We ate worms and mud
pies made from dirt,
And the worms did not
live in us

We were given BB guns
for our 10th birthdays,
Made up games with
sticks and tennis balls
Although we were told
it would happen,
We did not put out very
many eyes.

We rode bikes or
walked to a friend's
house and
Knocked on the door or
rang the bell, or just
Walked in and talked to

Little league had
tryouts and not
everyone made the team.
Those who didn't had to
learn to deal
With disappointment.
Imagine that!!

The Idea of a parent
bailing us out if we
broke the law
Was unheard of.
They actually sided with
the law!

These generations have
produced some of the
Risk-takers, problem
solvers and inventors

The past 50 years
Have been an explosion
of innovation and new
We had freedom,
failure, success and
and we learned how to
deal with it all.

If YOU are one of them?
You might want to

share this with others
who have had the luck
to grow up as kids,
before the
lawyers and the
government regulated
so much of our lives
for our own good.

While you are at it,
forward it to your kids
so they will know
how brave and lucky
their parents were.

---------- Post added at 00:22 ---------- Previous post was at 00:21 ----------

this was emailed to me, I wanted to share this with everyone. I remember those days.

Granny Primark
07-05-13, 04:01
I so remember those days.
I remember playing knocking on peoples doors and running away and one of the ladies caught us and threw a bucket of water on us.
Having a cider ice lolly and pretending we were drunk.
Playing dressing up in my mums clothes.
Playing games like skipping and a game we used to play using rubber bands fastened together.
Playing the sound of music but I could never be Leisle.
Playing throwing two balls against the wall.
Eating toast with dripping on and being told if you eat the fat off anything eat it was good for you cus it would grease your lungs.
Having a bath and my hair washed every Sunday night then me mum would do my hair with the nit comb.
Playing doffers. It was where you dared someone to do something that was scary.

07-05-13, 07:54
I remember most of those things I was born in the 60's. One day I took our two dogs to the woods with my friend and her dog. The rope swing across the stream wasn't long enough, so I tied a dog lead to it, swung across, the lead snapped, I went flying up in the air and landed at the bottom of the stream in a foot of silt, my long blond hair was covered in wriggly things, my orange dress, white ankle socks and pale blue jacket were filthy. I ran all the way home, thankfully my grandma was out, I quickly ran a bath to get rid of the nasty evidence. I would have been in so much trouble. I had to push all the wriggly things down the plug hole. I never told the truth about that day.

I also got in to trouble for breaking a small branch of a tree to play horse riding on my imaginary horse; a the police man told me off. I am still terrified of that now old retired police man.

What fun and freedom.!

Thanks Yvonne, you made my day.

07-05-13, 14:56
I was born the end of 79, so I'm not sure I count, as I didn't really survive the 70s and I still get asked constantly for ID... (apparently I look under 25.) Anyway I do remember spending a lot of time outdoors.

But we did have an Atari, when I was just learning to ride a three wheel bike.. But they didn't have much depth, so took a bit less of our time, but as I grew up we did have different video games... I had an older brother, so that might change somethings. I also remember video movies, as far back as I can remember. But we had tapes, no cds.

I remember being very young and we had fireworks, then they were banned.

Anyway I still enjoyed reading so thank you.