View Full Version : Back scan on Saturday!

07-05-13, 02:24
I am having a scan on my back on Saturday, well I will if I turn up! I am sooooooo soooooooo afraid of that claustrophic machine, everytime I think of it I can't breath and I have to run to the loo!

Unfortunately I don't have a 'safe person' to go with, spent so much time the last 3 decades on my own that I have no confidence in myself or anyone else.

I am so sick of the fear and anxiety. You would think after all these years I would be used to it by now but I'm not and things seem to be getting more scarey.:lac:

I am going on my own and driving so I can't take extra medication.

It is 2.20 in the morning and I ain't been to sleep yet. When I close my eyes all I can see is that damn machine:wacko::weep: I really really am done with feeling like this......it's NOT FAIR!!!!!:weep::weep::weep:


07-05-13, 13:12
Is it an MRI scan ?

07-05-13, 23:41
Yes it is Nic, and thank goodness someone answered! Lately feel very alone even on here!

08-05-13, 00:13
I am afraid I could not tolerate an MRI scan so have no wise words of wisdom but I wanted to wish you all the best of luck with it.

Sorry no-one else replied that has been through one and can reassure you better.

08-05-13, 00:27
I am afraid I could not tolerate an MRI scan so have no wise words of wisdom but I wanted to wish you all the best of luck with it.

Sorry no-one else replied that has been through one and can reassure you better.

Thanks anyway, not sure I will tolerate it either:blush:

11-05-13, 17:47
I couldn't do it!:weep::weep:

11-05-13, 17:53
Don't beat yourself up Els. They tried 3 times with me and I refused cos there was no way I could stay in that tunnel for 15-30 mins.

11-05-13, 17:54
Hi there I haven't had an MRI scan but my dad had loads, just try to relax when u have it done its harmless just a bit noisy, n but sure u will only been on the machine 10 mins, try to think of something nice to take your mind off it xx

11-05-13, 18:10
It is a nightmare if you are claustrophobic though Jayne lol

11-05-13, 19:29
Yeah can imagine they should have something where they can sedate you for half an hour xx

11-05-13, 19:37
I am scared of sedation as well so I can't win !

12-05-13, 01:29
I am scared of sedation too:mad::mad: That said, I have been on some form of tranquillization for over 30 years!:ohmy::ohmy: I think to get me back in that machine again, they would have to hit me over the head and knock me out. I can honestly say that I have never been so scared in one second than I was when they put me in there! I even asked to go in feet first thinking that my head wouldn't be in the machine but it was. OMG the top of the tunnel was nearly touching my nose it was so close:ohmy:

They told me to go to my doctor and get some light sedation and re-book the appt but I just can't go back and I'm not sure what's going to happen now.

A lot of people say (including me :blush:) that if you have to do something you have no choice than to do it but for me it isn't true!

I don't have as many anxiety attacks as I used to but the ones I do have are much more severe:wacko:

12-05-13, 01:38
I have never gone back and had my problem checked out Els so no idea if it is worse or not!

The problem for me was that I only just fitted in so my arms touched the side and that freaked me out.

I hear there are open scanners but they are quite rare and not at many hopsitals.

12-05-13, 04:01
I get anxious when I even see elevators.
A big problem is you just feel to enclosed, it's kinda hard to explain lol but I understand the fear, it takes over n it can make it hard to breathe n you feel such an urge to escape even though you know you are safe, the feelings are so intense.

If they need to they can really sedate you a lot,
I feel if it were me I'd have to practice by laying down with a bucket over my head lol .
I hate things close to my face!

Do you have the option of an open MRI! It's all open at the sides I think so it looks like it would reduce the trapped feeling.

13-05-13, 00:20
I get anxious when I even see elevators.
A big problem is you just feel to enclosed, it's kinda hard to explain lol but I understand the fear, it takes over n it can make it hard to breathe n you feel such an urge to escape even though you know you are safe, the feelings are so intense.

If they need to they can really sedate you a lot,
I feel if it were me I'd have to practice by laying down with a bucket over my head lol .
I hate things close to my face!

Do you have the option of an open MRI! It's all open at the sides I think so it looks like it would reduce the trapped feeling.

I think they would have said if there was an open scan, wouldn't they? I have never heard of it, and we are always the last to get anything here in the sticks lol:scared15:

I hadn't thought about practising, it was such a shock to see that the machine was so close to me, the panic completely took over straight away......................ugh I can't even think about it:mad::weep:

Someone who knows me very well had the stupidity to say to me "It only takes 10 minutes".....I had two words for that person and the second word was "off":roflmao::roflmao:

13-05-13, 00:34
The only sort of open scan I can think on would be CT scan. I had an ultra sound and it showed small lump on pancreas. I was then told I was to get MRI scan as further investigation was needed.I dreaded it. It turned out I got CT scan instead. Don`t know why they changed their mind. Thankfully it was only simple fatty lump.
Hope you manage something Betty.

13-05-13, 00:40
They do have open MRI's but they are few and far between and no idea how you get to go in one !

13-05-13, 00:42

14-05-13, 00:42

Wow! That scan machine is brilliant, no more claustrophobia for anyone :):) Thanks for the link Nic.

One day all hospitals will have one but I fear not in my time.

I am going to my first chiropractor appointment 2moro, I hear they can be brutal:ohmy: Wish me luck lol:scared15:

14-05-13, 09:25
Hi, A few years ago at the height of my anxiety I had to have an MRI and after one failed attempt at a small Local Hospital I went to the larger Hospital where the machine was set up in a really big room and was put in feet first which was possible as it was my back they wanted the scan.
My partner stood at my head and talked to me but if you don't have anyone with you I'm sure one of the nurses would oblige.
I really was freaking out and refused to put on the Hospital gown so they did it with my trousers pulled down to my ankles. :scared15:
Is there a possibility you could manage to do it with your head out at all?
How are things with you now?

14-05-13, 17:27
Hi, A few years ago at the height of my anxiety I had to have an MRI and after one failed attempt at a small Local Hospital I went to the larger Hospital where the machine was set up in a really big room and was put in feet first which was possible as it was my back they wanted the scan.
My partner stood at my head and talked to me but if you don't have anyone with you I'm sure one of the nurses would oblige.
I really was freaking out and refused to put on the Hospital gown so they did it with my trousers pulled down to my ankles. :scared15:
Is there a possibility you could manage to do it with your head out at all?
How are things with you now?

Hi Helen

Thanks for replying. I did go in feet first but my head was still in the bloody machine!:wacko: I was to have the bottom of my spine scanned. I think I would be ok if my head was out. I'm afraid my fear is too severe for anyone to be able to talk to me to help me feel any better:shrug:

I did however manage to get to the chiropractor today and had some manipulation done, so I did well on that, going back again next week. I told him that I couldn't have an mri and he said that a lot of ppl have that problem and to go back to drs and tell him and get a cat scan done, although not as good as mri. I had one of those done a few years ago on my brain so perhaps I can do that...but who knows! Why has my text changed?:shrug::shrug:LOL

14-05-13, 18:16
You pressed "ctrl i" instead of "shift i" Els I think lol

My doc was trying to convince me again today to have an MRA scan and said he would sedate me but I am so far refusing lol.

14-05-13, 18:34
Aww so glad you managed the Chiropractor, well done you. :yahoo:

Hope you feel better soon. :bighug1:

14-05-13, 20:19
http://www.croydonmri.com/referring-a-patient.htm have a look at this, I know my rheumatologist is going to send me for an MRI and trust me this will be the only chance he has of getting me in one LOL looking good even I could do this.

14-05-13, 22:46
You pressed "ctrl i" instead of "shift i" Els I think lol

My doc was trying to convince me again today to have an MRA scan and said he would sedate me but I am so far refusing lol.

Cheers Nic:winks:

Sorry about the scan for you too. Do you know if your hospital has one of those open scans? I am about 85-90 miles away from London and couldn't go there to get one either!:weep: Oh well, we have to either have it done or forget it becoz keep thinking about it just makes my anxiety go sky high:scared15::wacko:

Bloody fear:blush::ohmy:

---------- Post added at 22:42 ---------- Previous post was at 22:42 ----------

Aww so glad you managed the Chiropractor, well done you. :yahoo:

Hope you feel better soon. :bighug1:

Thank you Helen:hugs:

---------- Post added at 22:46 ---------- Previous post was at 22:42 ----------

http://www.croydonmri.com/referring-a-patient.htm have a look at this, I know my rheumatologist is going to send me for an MRI and trust me this will be the only chance he has of getting me in one LOL looking good even I could do this.

That scan machine looks better!:yesyes:

14-05-13, 22:53
This scan is to check for a cervical rib as it can't be seen on an X-ray.

No-one has mentioned rescanning my adrenal gland since I refused lol.

I like the look of those open ones. I wonder if I can get a referral lol

14-05-13, 22:54
This scan is to check for a cervical rib as it can't be seen on an X-ray.

No-one has mentioned rescanning my adrenal gland since I refused lol.

I like the look of those open ones. I wonder if I can get a referral lol

Could that be done with a cat scan? There is more room in those ones.