View Full Version : depressed about dvt?

07-05-13, 05:02
well i've seen 3 different doctors this week who've examined my leg and seem adamant that there is nothing which physically indicates deep vein thrombosis, despite the fact i'm limping in pain and weird throbbing 'blocked' discomfort and shooting pains that goes all the way up and down my leg, from the arch of my foot to my pelvis. there's something really weird going on with that leg and it's not in my head. it hurts to move/walk on, and when i bend my leg it's like the blood is 'stuck' in my calf and feels tight and yuck. it's funny cause last week i kept quoting that fish from spongebob who screams 'MY LEG' all the time thinking it was hilarious, now my leg really does hurt :( lol.

well i've asked all of them to repeat the (previously raised) d-dimer test and all refused - they say if it comes back raised 1. it doesn't REALLY mean anything and 2. they don't want to put me through all that radiation again.

well, i said okay, and i asked if there was a possibility for a radiation free ultrasound and again, they refused.

before i was very panicked about this, now i just feel rather upset and depressed that nobody is listening to me and i have a kind of sad acceptance about the whole situation. i'm just feeling doomy and gloomy. it prevents me from looking forward to the future. i'm not sure what to do. before i always felt like the doctors were on my side and were there to help me, now it feels like they couldn't care less. which i understand but still. i don't understand why the nhs only pulls their finger out when it's an absolute emergency and seem to have this 'cure over prevention' method of dealing with people.

and my own gp basically called me neurotic and an idiot for coming to see him so often over 'every little thing'. but this time it really is quite seriously painful.
even my mum asked why i have to go pay that dr a visit so often. now he probably thinks i fancy him lol. ugh. i'm very low now. i feel like i cried wolf 1 too many times and now i'm seriously regretting it. and then i'm worrying about next time, and next time...the doctors are getting more impatient and i can't really blame them! :(