View Full Version : Anxiety Dreams

07-05-13, 07:30
Does anyone else get anxious dreams? Last night I dreamt that I was lost in a city that I didn't know. When I woke up I was full of adrenaline and feeling all shaky. It takes a while for all these sensations to fade so it is a rubbish way to start the day.

little wren
07-05-13, 07:37
Yeh I get anxiety dreams a lot....about arguing and shouting (in real life I am a peace-maker). It's interesting your dream is being lost in a big city - whilst you are doing CBT and visiting new places.

07-05-13, 08:10
Yes. I suppose being way out of my comfort zone is probably the most anxiety inducing thing I can think of so my treacherous brain makes me live through it in my dreams. Damn brain! It's probably getting revenge for my attempts to poison it with beer on Friday. :)

07-05-13, 08:21
feeling the same , after a so -called break away ,thinking i was going to come home feeling on top of the world ,even away the sweats ,shakes and burning sensation hits the top of my chest . Woke up this morning to all these symptoms all over again ,again and again really thinking of heading to docs ....yep DAM brain , cant bloody switch off when im asleep , nitemares of horses lst night and after my week break , guess where im off in nxt hr ...blinking farm to do my kids pony..... really tempting the avoidance , but got to face the fear ...arghhhh .
Hope you have a better day , fingers crossed me too xx