View Full Version : Fatal Sporadic or Familial Insomnia

07-05-13, 09:56
Ok so I know there are quite a few insomnia threads on here but I am really worried that I might have fatal insomnia. I haven't slept for the last couple of nights but my sleep has been bad for a while now and I am freaking out that I will never sleep again. The wierdest thing is that I don't even feel that tired but I know I have definatly not slept. I am scared that my brain might be getting used to not sleeping. I have work on Thursday which is just voluntary for 3 hours but I am scared that I will start hilucinating or I will collapse while I am there. I know how unlikely fatal insomnia is but what if I am the unlucky 1 in a billion that gets it?

07-05-13, 11:34
Worrying that you are the one in a billion person who has fatal insomnia is like worrying about the many things we have no control over.

A fortnight or so back, people were worried that North Korea`s Kim Jong Un was about to launch a nuclear war. I don`t see too many people worried about it today.

Life has its risks, but also its pleasures and rewards.

07-05-13, 13:38
I bet you watched that programme on Tv about that family who all inherited it didn't you?? I did and since then everytime I have a sleepless night that programme flits across my mind and I tell myself to be sensible ( easier said than done).
Of course I do not have it!
YOu are not feeling tired because your body is flooded with anxiety hormones due to your fears.

07-05-13, 15:58
Thanks for the replys. I know how stupid I sound worrying over something which is unlikely but it is hard not too sometimes. I went into town today with my mum to do some shopping and I felt absolutely exhausted and my eyes are really tired so I tried to have a nap but I still can't sleep unfortunately. Hopefully I will sleep tonight!

08-05-13, 09:57
I`m not in the UK, so I didn`t see the program about fatal insomnia, but it shows the role of the media in generating panics about everyday problems which most people experience from time to time.

08-05-13, 13:51
I eventually managed to sleep last night but only for about 2 hours at a time before waking up but I remember dreaming so I know that I did sleep. I seem to go into a dream straight away when I sleep so I am still very worried that I am not getting enough rest!

09-05-13, 10:53
If you are one of the 5,999,999,500 or so people on Earth who don`t have fatal insomnia, then eventually you will sleep. I`m not sure, but I think dreaming sleep is the most important - this may be why you slip straight into dreaming sleep. Also, remember that it is common for people not to remember having any dreams. Chronic insomnia is a different problem, but it is not life-threatening.