View Full Version : Spots!

07-05-13, 12:49
I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety I've developed tiny red pin prick spots on my arms and legs my dr said its nothing to worry about but I just don't believe her she didn't even check to see if they blanch she just took one quick look at them I've been googling it and it's coming up with leukemia which is making my panic attacks worse my regular dr that I see about my anxiety is not in today so I can't speak to her I can't speak to my partner because he just thinks I'm being silly has anyone else had this? or can give any advice?

07-05-13, 18:55

Have a read through this thread - it may help you:


Pip x

07-05-13, 23:21
Thankyou it has put my mind at ease..for now at least :)

23-08-13, 16:04
I got these too a few years ago. They are burst capillaries. It might have been induced by diet or antibiotics in me. I noticed my dad has these red paint flake spots on his legs in a few places too. They are somewhat normal.

When I noticed these I also started to get weird nerve signals of water and burning sensations all over. It may have been related by a common cause I don't know.

I have those symptoms now again and can't find the cause, but I'm hoping it is metabolic or diet related so I'm not going to do any extreme low carb diets anymore. Hopefully this time the sensations will go away and stay away. Last time they lasted for 6-12 months I think, not sure.