View Full Version : Paronaoid about eyes (and going blind)

07-05-13, 13:39
Lately I have become really paranoid about my eyes. It started last year when I saw 3 different opticians and went to the hospital about floaters I had. I now do not worry about these as got enough assurance afer god knows how many test they were normal. I was then convinced my eyesight was going worse after finding out I had a slight stigmatism over a year ago in one eye. I went for another eyesight about a month ago and was told my eyesight was the same. I have also had a thing where I only use one eye at a time and this is my right eye as the stronger eye. People are starting to notice the look abd think im looking at something else with one eye sometimes. first worry is can that condition make you blind? Opticians said its just where you had the op when youger and muscle is not as strong?

Secondly, I have had a slight bit of sticky eyes the last few days. I have antibiotic drops from pharmacy and there getting better but I swear my eyes have become blurry. I try to convince myself it may be part of hayfever or the drops or change of weather but google really scares me. Things like words on my computer moniter screen just seem a bit blurry and this morning it felt like it took a couple of seconds for my eyes to adjust. I know its long winded but would really appreciate a reply. Thanks people

07-05-13, 13:57
I am partially sighted very close to being registered severe sight impaired so have a lifetime of eyes!!

Believe me serious problems with eyes give serious symptoms.

These are the red flag symptoms I had drummed into me over the years.

Lightening flashes at edges of vision when you move your eyes. ( totally different from visual disturbance of aural migraine)
Loss of vision in part of the eye/grey shadow in part of eye.
Sudden shower of jet black floaters in one eye only obscuring vision.
Round hole in vision that flashes different colours when blinking.
Sudden severe pain in eye with redness.

Opticians can see everything that could posibly be wrong with your eyes and even your brain!!

If optician says your eyes are fine they are fine honest.

07-05-13, 14:27
Thanl you CountryGirl. I feel bad making an issue when you do actually have issues with this. But you know what health anxiety is like?. I saw my opticions last about a month and a half ago now. But do not want to get into the habbit of going all the time for peace of mind. I did that with the doctors and it ruined me.

07-05-13, 14:47
Please don't feel bad about worrying about your eyes just because I have severe problems, I just thought I might be able to help you and put your mind at rest having experienced the danger symptoms and by having alot of info given to me over many years.

Keep my list of serious symptoms and of course if you ever develop any of them then seek help straight away but most other symptoms are not of anything that is a danger to your sight and as long as you have had the symptom checked with an optitican then thats fine.

07-05-13, 15:44
Thank you, do you think I should go again or as I had them checked around a month and a half ago just leave it. I think im looking too much into things as focusing on eyes.