View Full Version : Hi everyone

07-05-13, 16:56
Ooops think i posted this in the wrong part so i'm putting it here too :whistles:

I'll apologise for the long post now but not sure how it works on here, I've suffered for 10yrs, I suffered panic attacks after seeing my dad get really ill, me having an op and i got sunburnt, i had CBT and seem to be doing fine, but over the last few months i've suffered really bad anxiety, its gone way too far now so went to the dr's who gave me citroplam (sp) which sent me absolutely loopy so was taken off it, i was asked if i wanted to try anything else but that put the fear of god into me and said no way, so now i don't like taking any meds! anyway i am now waiting for an intense course of CBT, i've read around here and its good to hear that i'm not the only one who thinks she has everything wrong! it can be a spot i have skin cancer, i have a rash i have an allergy and my throat will swell and i'll die and the story goes on ......

I'm not sleeping, i go to bed at 10 up at 3 wide awake heart pounding that i can't control because i don't no what the fear is from then i'm on & off all night but reading thro here compared to some i'm getting some good sleep, my eating is hit & miss i dont' feel like eating but do because i no i have to, i also suffer diahorria (SP) & sickness proably because of the anxiety but i think i've got stomach cancer!

Well thats my story cut down even tho I could go on and on and on .........

07-05-13, 17:06
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

07-05-13, 17:30

07-05-13, 18:18
Hi & :welcome:

I'm sure you will find a lot of help & support on here. I know I have. It really helps me to know I'm not going through this alone. And your HA sounds exactly same as mine! Its the pits and makes you feel like you are losing your mind. I'm sorry you are having to go through this too! :hugs:

08-05-13, 07:08
Thanks, its good to hear (but not if that makes sense!) that i'm not the only one suffering, suppose we always think its just me i'm going mad! Its the sleep thats getting me at the moment i'm really bad!

09-05-13, 19:33
It's bloomin awful isn't it?
Sorry you are feeling bad, but it WILL feel better, as long as you hound your doctor until you get the one that works for you xx