View Full Version : Stabbing pain on right side of stomach next to belly button??

07-05-13, 17:04
As the title says, since yesterday on and off I have had a stabbing pain next my belly button on the right side. I feel the pain more if I am leaning over but it's not agony, it's more uncomfortable. I had a bit of aching above it this morning too but that's gone now.
I'm really worried its appendicitis :-( I have recently come off the pill and I used to get this pain when I was going to have a period but it was always on the left side so I'm really freaking out :-(

07-05-13, 17:35
Have you tried applying pressure to the area with your fingers? If the pain doesn't hurt worse when you release the pressure, it's probably not appendicitis. Is it painful when you cough, sneeze or laugh? Can you jump or lift your legs without being in agonizing pain?

These are the tests my doctor told me to perform if I was afraid I had appendicitis, after an appointment where she touched my entire abdomen to make sure nothing was amiss.

07-05-13, 17:48
Hi thank you for replying. It doesn't hurt when I press down or do anything else. Its just if I lean right down and then every so often by itself. I really hope its not any thing serious, its just so hard to think logically with anxiety isn't it xx

07-05-13, 18:28
Haha, yes, it is. The other day I had a nagging one-sided headache that I convinced myself was a brain tumor, until it went away and it hasn't been heard from since.

I'm 99.9% sure you aren't dealing with appendicitis if you don't have tenderness and pain after applying pressure to the area. I get pains in my lower right abdomen pretty frequently, and always test myself, and always come up empty. :)

07-05-13, 22:39
Not sure if we have the same thing or not, but I've been having an on and off pain about an inch or two to the right of my bellybutton, since January. It may have a correlation to whether or not I'm constipated or bloated. One doctor told me it's my gallbladder and wants tests done--I'm not convinced as that seems too low for gb. When I get mine, it's worse if I lean over or sit in some ways. I find that a warm compress can sometimes help take the edge off. I don't think it's appendicitis as that usually escalates quite quickly.

08-05-13, 07:37
hi that what i am having now..and it really is freaking me out..last year i have it checked and done ultrasound and it come back ok aside from the fat layer in my liver that the doctor saw but he said nothing about it.and now after a few months its here again.and just like you i can feel it when leaning forward.so worried about it

08-05-13, 09:08
Hi thanks for replying every one. The pain is directly next to my belly button. Its only when I bend over or lean over now and its like a quick sharp pain. But that said I'm even more worried today cos my stomach is tender when I press down but its tender on both sides so I'm hoping its just monthly problems coming? I'm just still freaking out so bad xx