View Full Version : Hello

07-05-13, 18:45
Hello all,

I seriously don't know where to start. Hm, erm I have generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety (to the point I even get shy about posting on forums :doh: :blush:) and depression. I went through neglect, abuse, rape and and an abusive partner, but I really don't want to let any of that 'win' shall we say. On a less depressive note! I adore Resident Evil games (the classics though!), anime, art, music (anything from Jeff Buckley to Britney Spears) oh and I'm a crazy cat lady.

Thankfully, I've been in psychology for over a year (soon to end and not because of the crazy cat lady thing!) and although I'm doing well with the depression, the anxiety has done nothing but peak massively and I really want to get through this stage, instead of doing my usual trick of doing it alone. So, here I am! Hoping can learn from you all, share experiences and maybe even help somebody.

Hope I didn't make an idiot of myself and looking forward to chatting with you all.

07-05-13, 19:08

You certainly didn't make an idiot of yourself! I'm sorry that you have been through so much and are continuing to struggle but you have come to a great place here to get support and help!

Wishing you all the best,
J x

07-05-13, 19:15
Hello and welcome Blackcat, I am new to the forum myself, Don't be shy its good to talk. :welcome:

07-05-13, 22:18
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

09-05-13, 19:37
I am 60 & have only just started talking about my anxieties, which started about 50 years ago - so good luck!xx