View Full Version : Yes, new to the site

07-05-13, 18:58
Hi all. Came across this whilst searching for other people that may be blighted by addiction. Panic and fear go hand in hand with that. I'm currently hooked on Zopiclone. Would you believe I sleep without them? I'm grabbing for them in the morning though. And going to work. And meeting friends. Strangers.....forget it. I'd love to hear from anyone that needs help, you can help me with the site.

Be lucky....

07-05-13, 19:12
Hi JayKay,

Sorry to hear about your need for zopiclone. Have you seeked any help from your GP?
I was prescribed these for sleep but they didn't work for me. Can I ask how you feel they help you?

I'm sure you'll find lots of support and help on this site.
J x

07-05-13, 19:27
Hi and :welcome:

I'm sure you will find lots of help and support here :hugs:

07-05-13, 19:32
:welcome: to the forum.

07-05-13, 19:58
Hello, welcome to the site! :)