View Full Version : Appetite loss and weight

07-05-13, 19:47
I'm very worried about this appetite loss and I have lost 20 pounds in 2 months.
anyone had this? how can I get my appetite back? I'm sick of this now

07-05-13, 19:53
I have been there, it's not easy and it's going to be annoying advice, but you need to either distract yourself whilst eating or just use build up shakes. The more weight you lose the more anxious you will get and therefore the cycle starts.

07-05-13, 23:06
I'm very worried about this appetite loss and I have lost 20 pounds in 2 months.
anyone had this? how can I get my appetite back? I'm sick of this now

Hi, Ant.

I got into that position around 1.5yrs ago, I'm a constant worrier and I slipped into a depression. The key thing I did was to start exercising, it's not easy at first but it does help you get some appetite back. I weigh the most I have ever weighed now, but I lost around 2stone, and that was in a short space of time too. I know you might not have the motivation but have a look for some sports clubs in your area. Having a good diet and fitness come hand in hand. Im 6ft 4 so losing the weight was tough to take, I'm still pushing my weight further the best I can.

And to add to that, funnily enough my scales ran out if juice today, and I said to myself I won't put in fresh batteries as everytime I go in the bathroom I'm weighing myself, which in turn causes more panic if you don't like what you see with results . Weight is all relative.

Derek Connop
07-05-13, 23:58
Hi there, sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment. 20lbs in 8 weeks so about 2.5lbs per week. Yes when I have a bad anxiety episode I always lose my appetite and I lose weight.

I am 5ft 10 in and 7 weeks ago I was 99kg and went on a planned weight loss programme. I have lost 6kg about 14lbs by exercising three times a day and sticking to a low calorie diet. What I am trying to say is that if you have been off your food for eight weeks the amount of weight you have lost does not sound excessive so please try not to worry about the amount of weight you have lost. Would you say that you are under weight now or were you overweight before you lost the weight ?

When you are able to identify the reasons why you lost your appetite eight weeks ago you will hopefully be able to start getting it back. Make sure you take in plenty of water and don't worry about when you eat. Before you lost your appetite what was your favourite food :)

08-05-13, 00:07
thanks for both of your replies, the appetite loss came with moving to another country. My anxiety hit me hard due to the change and the more weight I lose the more I worry, it's a vicious cycle.

Back in the UK before I left I weighed around 15 stone (210 pounds), and I'm 6 foot 3. I was infact putting on weight due to being anxiety free and having a good appetite. But since moving I am now 190, my favorite foods are fatty stodgy foods. I love McDonalds, so I still try and eat that. Although I don't have the best diet in the world I was still at a decent fitness level, playing squash at least every other day back home.

Now this is the longest my appetite hasn't been back, although I can eat and keep food down, sometimes I won't eat until 4pm, because I just cannot face food for the first half of the day. I'm also taking a meal replacement every day to try and get nutrients.

The bottom line is I don't want to lose more weight!

08-05-13, 00:42
I lost quite a lot of weight due to anxiety and low appetite about 10 months ago. All my family were really concerned as it fell off so quickly. I did have lots of tests at the docs just to rule anything else out, but it was just anxiety. My weight was monitored regularly by my GP...I weigh around 8st now and it has been fairly stable for the past 7 months or so. I am also eating fairly well so I guess the anxiety keeps it low.

I am sure the more you worry the worse you will feel. As long as you are fairly healthy and eat little and often, it may just be your metabolism is different now. If you are worried, see your doc. Try not to weigh yourself every day, once a week is fine and just keep an eye on it. I always said if I fell below 8st, then I would worry. Thankfully that never happened.

Stay positive. Kitti :)

Jon Dimond
08-05-13, 16:58
I've lost about 20 lbs in the last 8-10 weeks too. I've been very stressed and anxious and since starting citalopram have had very little appetite. However I'm very overweight, so I can't say that it's bothering me too much, it's almost a silver lining to this awful cloud. I've also stopped drinking, which I used to do quite a lot of, so I'm consuming far fewer empty calories.

I do have to force myself to eat sometimes though, which isn't yhe most fun experience ever.