View Full Version : Hey

07-05-13, 20:23
Hi, found the forum whilst looking for like minded people to talk to.. Gets kind of lonely sometimes.. I suffer depression and anxiety and it effects my life and relationship massively.. Soo yeah, i'm kinda not sure what else to say right now so I'll leave it at that... Hope to speak to some of you guys soon :)

07-05-13, 20:38
Hi and :welcome:

I'm sorry your having a tough time at the moment, I'm sure you will find lots of help and support here :)

07-05-13, 20:38
Hi Mystic,

A big :welcome: to you.
You've found a great site here - everyone I've come across is so friendly and supportive. I too suffer from depression and anxiety so you have my sympathies.
Wishing you the best
J x

07-05-13, 22:17
Hi. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.

08-05-13, 11:39
Thanks guys, Ive been having a look around - I guess the running theme is you feel alone in a lot of things, it's nice to see so many people helping others. I'm hoping to use the chat room soon, so I hope to speak to some of you on here =)

08-05-13, 11:41
Hi Mystic,

A big welcome to the site. You certainly aren't alone. Theres a great little community on here and I'm sure you'll find it a source of comfort and support. :)

Wishing you all the very best