View Full Version : Thinking of changing to seroxat ?

07-05-13, 20:32
Hiya I'm currently on citalopram 20 mg I don't feel it's working that wel I'm up and down still a few years ago when I was 18 I was on seroxat and it worked so well for me and I'm thinking of changing but my doctor dosent seem keen so u had a look and read some very scary stories about it so now Im not sure i think it could really help but the bad press is scary any advice from others on it or anyone that knows about it ? X

12-05-13, 10:48
Anyone ? My docs don't seem to explain it x

12-05-13, 11:17
Hi Lashes
I have been on seroxat for a few years now. I am much older than you(!) but like you I found that it works wonders. I started on 20mg but over the last couple of years have gone down to 10mg. Whilst it does work for me I am also concerned in the back of my mind about the bad press. I know from experience that it's hard to come off it. I tried once and ended up back at square one though to be fair I didn't take it as slowly as I should have. My doctor is happy for me to stay on it. I have never experienced any of the side effects. I do sometimes still have a few wobbles when I feel anxious for a day or two but they are few and far between. Because of this I do wonder whether I should have a go at coming off them again but the withdrawal is pretty hard. There is a guy on here, I think his name is Seroxatvet, who has successfully managed to come off these but he would tell you it's pretty hard.
Whilst I am happy with how they helped me I couldn't in all honesty tell you to go for it. It is down to you and if they did help you before I can see why you might want to give them another go.
Would I start taking them now, knowing what I do about them? Probably not.
I would talk some more with your doctor if I were you.
Whatever decision you make I hope you feel better going forward.
Sal x

12-05-13, 14:56
Thankyou for replying its a really difficult decision as I don't know if citalopram are working it sounds silly like you would of thought I'd have known but I don't ! I think il go back and annoy the doctor again with this lol x

12-05-13, 16:37
Ive been on different SSRI's for 15 yrs. Seroxat for 6 of those then came off and after needing to go back on meds was put on citalopram and now cipralex. Been thinking the same thing as nothing worked as well for me either

16-05-13, 02:38
The scary stories are almost all complete nonsense. This drug has worked for many, many people. Having said that, your doctor may well be reluctant to put you on it because it appears to be more difficult to come off than similar SSRI drugs. Also the symptoms of coming off this drug can last a long time. I speak from experience (I'll PM you re this). And while it is true it does "work", there is a price to be paid in terms of feeling somewhat detached from the world. I don't know if others have that feeling but I did after I'd been on it about 5 years. So you need to think carefully about this.