View Full Version : Telling work..or not

08-05-13, 07:15
It's been brought to my attention at work that I've been off sick quite a bit, I was off last week due to a massive fall when I seriously damaged my knee and I think that's really pushed it, don't get me wrong HR were nice about it but obviously I've been off sick prior thanks to HA, I don't know whether I should tell them or not. I'm having a pretty bad time with depression & insommnia too at then moment, I don't want to escalate into a disciplinary but I'm unsure what to do. :shrug:

08-05-13, 08:33
I don't think it would escalate into a disciplinary but you may be asked to go for a sickness review and Occupational health depending on the amount and length of time you have been off. I wouldn't say anything unless they ask you to go for a meeting.

08-05-13, 12:26
Sadly, at leat in tis part of my country, there can definitely be a stigma associated with HA. A hypochondriac can be looked down upon, like we chose to feel like this, or as though we could just "walk it off."

If I were working for someone else (I am self employed), I would definitely keep it close to my chest.