View Full Version : Been doing really well until now :(

08-05-13, 09:51
I've been doing really well with my health anxiety for the last month, since I've been on fluexitine it's really helped. But I have now become obsessed with cervical cancer and am sure that I have got it - I have a smear test on Monday so that's one thing I guess... But I cant stop reading on google about cervical cancer. I'm on the birth control implant which can cause unpredictable bleeding which my logical mind says it could POSSIBLY be down to this, but I can't really convince myself of that.... not so much a question but I just needed to say this all somewhere

08-05-13, 09:55
DON'T GOOGLE!! :D It shouldn't take too long to get the results from your smear test and then you will feel reassured. :hugs:

08-05-13, 10:01
Im very concerned about getting an abnormal result on my smear as I know that it isnt uncommon for results to be abnormal. I just think if mine come back abnormal I won't be able to leave it for the couple of months they like to leave until a re-test

08-05-13, 10:18
Don't worry about things that might never happen (easier said than done I know!) Hopefully you will have a normal result..It is a lot more common for it to be normal than it is to be abnormal.

08-05-13, 11:59
Don't worry you'll b fine and if u do have something abnormal they see its 99% likely to just be something they can fix, you see everyone in their life at some point will have the virus hpv which causes abnormalities and it also causes genital warts and verucca and lot of other things like that - but normally it just clears itself and goes back to normal - if u are extreamly worried u could always do what I did and go get the hpv screening and if u are all clear u can have the vaccine and then u would never have cause to worry - I still have regular smears even though I've been vaccinated just in case