View Full Version : Anxiety causing illness or illness causing anxiety?

08-05-13, 12:02
I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and given Propanolol and anti-depressants (which I haven't started to take yet.) I am particularly worried that I have anxiety as a result of an illness rather than anxiety making me ill. This is because my mum suffers from POTS and is currently been investigated for MS and EDS (she has similar symptoms to me and on her MRI they spotted brain lesions.)

My doctor doesn't seem to take my fears seriously and keeps saying that my mum is a lot older than me etc and that her symptoms manifested at 40 (after pregnancy) whereas I am only in my early 20s.

My symptoms are:
Headaches, tinnitus, dulled hearing (my dentist thinks I have TMJ so may not be relevant)
Palpitations that are sometimes so bad they wake me up
Sensitive to temperature - particularly heat which makes me irritable
Light headedness and dizziness
Tender spots on my skin like there is bruising when there isn't
Weird skin sensations like an ice pack being applied
Painful knees and knuckles
Difficulty walking (feels like wearing a lead backpack)
Lack of sex drive
Nausea or feeling car sick
Vertigo - feeling like I am spinning or shaking
Floaters in vision or visual disturbance like something is in one of my eyes
Forgetfulness, confusion or slurring or using wrong words/pronouncing them wrong

There are others I am sure but I don't remember all of them off the top of my head:/ I have a lot of the psychological symptoms of anxiety too like not wanting to go out, I never enjoy anything, worrying or dwelling on stupid things etc

Is this all anxiety? If not do I need to change doctors?

Sorry for long post but thanks for reading,


08-05-13, 16:17
I am in the same exact boat and wonder if the anti-anxiety, anti-depression meds aren't just a bandaid to real issues I'm having. :(

08-05-13, 16:27
I also have almost all of your symptoms and have had for past 20 years! I too have brain lesions on mri but apparently not in the right place for MS and they haven't worsened in past 10 years of mri's. I am seeing a neurologist this month and having a repeat mri brain scan yet again.

All of our symptoms are also the symptoms of fibromyalgia??? This is the problem there are so many possible reasons pluls I have spinal damage that again can cause alot of the symptoms.

I will post on here once I have seen the neuro.

08-05-13, 21:23
Ive had health anxiety for 10 years...seen all the symptoms. everything youve said ive had. Currently having a confussed, forgettfull...clumsy stage:) dizziness like rooms spinning to. You drive yourself to destruction...your minds worn out. Im waiting for an Mri result for tinnitus in one ear...probly nothing and then im back on the anti depressants after 5 years of ok health.. they saved me last time believe me..you wont give a shit on those and your mind can regroup x

09-05-13, 14:10
Thanks for the replies everyone.

It is getting really hard to go outside lately I have developed a sensitivity to light and even on a dark day I have to squint and keep my head down. Even sitting down I feel dizzy and shaky, feels like I am drunk.

And today my arms feel shaky and weak and I don't know if this is a new symptom or I am doing this to myself..wish the doctor would just refer me so I can put my mind to rest either way!

09-05-13, 16:26
You've wound yourself up to feel bad that's all. Your body's over sensitive to everything due to the adrenaline you've created. I'm the same always thinking its worse case sinareo. Your choices are....see it through for a few months see if it improves or go on the antidepressants. I think it's tablet time....you'll be better in a month! Ill stake my own life on there's nothing wrong with you...your ok Sarah :)x

10-05-13, 22:23
Have you ever had a b12 blood test to see if you have low iron? Iron deficiency and anaemia can cause all those symptoms. Its no big deal if thats the case. Might be worth asking x

12-05-13, 14:46
Thanks Richyl.

And yeah i had a full blood count and b12 and all normal.

12-05-13, 16:33
Sarah an important question to ask yourself is if your symptoms started before your anxiety, or if your anxiety started and then your symptoms. It can be hard to pick apart I know!

I'm surprised if you have all those symptoms and your mum suffers from POTS that they have not tested you too or at least checked out your vestibular system to check out your issues with vertigo and balance. You might push your doctor to refer you for a tilt table test, POTS can manifest at any age, you don't have to be over 40 like your mum.