View Full Version : Went to doctors yesterday

08-05-13, 12:31
With an embarrassment 9 times at the doctors so far this year and we are only into May I could equally my record. one eye appointment, one specialist, three times at the dentist this year.

As you know I am worried about bowel cancer/rectal cancer etc, even though I been told it is IBS by doctors, I had blood test done last month and I asked what I got tested for. My parents and family are worried about me and have tried to calm me down.

I went to see a specialist last week as she did a rectal exam and could not feel any trouble things, she did sent me for a scan just to reassurance me and she must had said at least 10 times that bowel cancer without no family history is rare for you age group. Also I going for a sig camera job.

I have started to weigh myself more now, which is getting to be a concerned (I know our weigh various from day to day, with what we wear, I prefer to take my shoes off to get a more accurate reading.

I went in with a huge list of cancers I was worried about, the doctor is going to refer me to someone to help me reduced my HA as I cannot go on like this.

I got asked what has bought it on, I think over the last six months it has been mainly this bowel cancer awareness programme (important I know is) my dad did has stool screening last year and also it was an important article in our local paper about testicle cancer. I cannot get away from hearing about 'cancer' I have stopped watching medical dramas because I cannot cope with it.

I am afraid even though I should trust the doctors 100% that mistakes do happen

08-05-13, 18:26
You have classic health anxiety and its horrible horrible thing to have.

Once you have had your sigmoidoscopy then you can stop worrying about bowel cancer. IF you are like the rest of us then probably a week after the test and the all clear you will have found another sympoms to worry about.

You sound as if you are fairly young??

All i can say is that I have had severe health anxiety since I was a child ( due to trauma) and I am now middle aged and what a waste of all those years worrying 24/7 about every symptom I ever had. The combination of chronic health conditions and anxiety means symptoms every single day.

Please get all the help you can with this as it would be awful if like me you get to be middle aged and have wasted all that time worrying!

08-05-13, 21:56
Hi thanks for you reply

I hope the cycle does not start again when he goes for his next stool screening next year, whilst my mum will be due to do hers soon if their reduced the age for screening.

I am 29 but I do have a condition called NF which something sadly I cannot do much about, apart from have any lumps removed if needed...and have brain scans and check ups.. With no family history of cancer in the family on both sides (most of my Dad side smokes, my Dad parents died in their late 60s/early 70s his dad due to a heart attack and his mum was cancer she smoked, but was never in good health after her husband died. As for my mum side, my Great Nan lived to she was in her late 90s.
my mum's real blood Dad had a few health problems (drink), my other Granddad (long story) even not blood relative, had a heart attack, due to weigh, diabetes, he is fine now, but has to be careful.

I always get scared going to the doctors, even though there put me at ease and have done several exams for me, lots of abdominal felt by doctors. I went for an ultrasound in December 2012 everything was clear, but the doctor sent me to the specialist who sent me for another scan, just to proof there is nothing wrong with me and put my mind at ease. Its just this worry about IBS vs bowel Cancer vs Crohns vs other conditions of the bowel/abdominal pain (other cancers) and something would have shown up on the ultrasound what could be causing the problem if it was serious or just IBS/anxiety.

My mum has an appointment about her NF lumps after me nagging her to get them looked at (as she has said some have been catching her on her clothes)

I am still single and unemployed so it probably does not help me.

I have feel not myself since last year properly.

I am hoping not to get like this again, I will still have worries but try not to go for too many scans unless needed.

I need to get of Google and these health sites about the fearful c word., put them to bed and also try not look up too much about NF.

---------- Post added at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 19:05 ----------

Yesterday I listed, all types of hodgkin's lymphoma (including non) bowel, leukemia, testicular cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer plus many more types of cancer I fear, I am a male I asked how to do breast exams by my mum
it just every little symptom, pain etc in body (checking every bone) I read something. my mind is mess up with worry. This refer should help me. I am sure that doctors are checking for other things as you walk in and go for your appointments at doctors.

I was concerned about my weigh and body mass index and under for my height (family are skinny my parents are) no matter how much we eat we cannot put weigh on, maybe going to the gym may help.

10-05-13, 20:53
My appetite levels have not change, some days I eat more than others. I still have plenty of energy,

I am deeply worried about my body and making me very anxiety there are too many adverts about cancer, even though it important to make us aware of possible signs of cancer or something less serious. It is turning me into a real hyperchondric and HA.

Years ago I did not know there was so many cancer types.