View Full Version : How long should local anaesthetic last?

Anxiety Jim
08-05-13, 19:14
Hi everyone,

I had a mole removed on my arm today, I had local anaesthetic and the op lasted about 30 minutes. Everything went fine, he's sent it off to be analysed, and I will hear within 2 - 3 weeks.

BUT over 5 hours since my op part of my arm is still completely numb. To one side of the cut I've got complete feeling back, which I got back within 30 minutes of the end of the op. But to the other side of the cut it's completely numb all up that side of my arm. I guess it's my forearm muscle.

Am I right to be worried about this? Did I get too much local anaesthetic? I just prodded the area with a needle and felt nothing at all.

Has anyone had a mole removed? How long was it numb for?

In other news I'm feeling quite anxiety free considering everything that's been worrying me over the last few weeks.
