View Full Version : Should I sign on temporarily with a GP?

08-05-13, 19:29
I've been suffering badly since end of February and have been spending more time at my parents as I'm not coping on my own. During all this time I've been sticking with my own GP as she knows my 'case' - talking to her over the phone and she's been posting/faxing prescriptions to me (although I can tell she's getting a bit fed up with this).

I'm just wondering if I should temporarily sign on with a local doctor - where I'll have to explain the whole situation again, or stick with my own GP?

08-05-13, 19:33
I'm sure if she was getting fed up she'd let you know bab. Aren't there several doctors there?

08-05-13, 19:36
There? Where I am now there's a doctor's surgery just round the corner - they seem pretty busy for one-to-one appointments, but so far for Dad there always seems to be phone consultations available. There's about the same amount of doctors at my surgery, but my GP only does 2 days a week and 1 in 4 Fridays!