View Full Version : Tummy troubles!

08-05-13, 20:53
Hey everyone, hope you can help!

This morning I started getting throat nausea, not sure if anyone here has experienced that? So yes, I started with the throat nausea and throughout the day it's got worse, then gone, then come back again. I've also had burning in my chest and acid reflux which I do suffer from regularly but never like this! Now as well as the throat nausea I'm feeling super bloated and gassy with a pain in my left side. :( I should also add that I'm an IBS sufferer but again, never experienced it like this. Ive been under a lot of stress just recently too..

I should probably add that I'm emetophobic so I'm super panicky right now :(

Can anyone shed any light? Could it be something as simple as indegestion? Starting to feel super down about it now!

09-05-13, 07:02
Generally speaking, periods of high stress can impact on acid reflux and IBS. And considering you have mentioned you're under a lot of stress right now, my suggestion would be that this stress has upset your IBS and/or acid reflux much more than usual.