View Full Version : Developing OCD?

08-05-13, 21:16
Hi there guys,

It's been playing on my mind for a while now, and I'm starting to think perhaps it's the development of OCD. I'm to appear in court for going through a red light, I suffer from anxiety as it is, so that didn't help my mental health. But lately I've now got an obsession with being in trouble with the police and going to prison, I have picked through my brain to find things that I might of done, but there is NOTHING, I've even gone as far as when I accidentally smashed a car window when I was a kid. It's really annoying me, if I even think about being in trouble with the police, or if I hear sirens I get anxiety, is this common? Has anyone else had this?

Help :(

13-05-13, 07:38
I am sorry that I can't be of much help but you can go read a thread I just made about the same exact obsession. As for your situation, you are not going to go to prison, or even jail, for simply running a red light. You will likely pay a fine or possibly face no penalty at all depending on the circumstance. Since I have lived with OCD for quite a long time I can tell you this; a typical person without ocd or an anxiety disorder would probably respond to this situation with irritation and not so much anxiety. Going to court is stressful for anyone but if you are in a lot of distress, then yes, I would agree you have a bit more anxiety than the average person. I don't know if you have OCD or not, only you or a therapist can assess that based on life long patterns. Someone without OCD can certainly still have phobias, which may be what you are developing. Perhaps also you are just experiencing stress from this isolated incident and after it is over, you may not have anxiety about it anymore. If this goes on bothering, I would say it is certainly worth looking into talking to someone about it. Best of luck to you!