View Full Version : Want this anxiety to end....

08-05-13, 21:23
Hi Everyone,
Kind of feeling a little down and in a crying mood today and I really don't know way. :weep: I have been battling with this anxiety and depression for over a year now and I go thru these moods. I wish they would just go away and that I can have my old life back where I enjoyed doing things, going places, etc. Now I'm afraid because of the feelings I get. I feel that I'm going crazy and I'm going to end up in a loony bin and that scares me more. :ohmy: I get to where I can't sleep my mind just wanders and I worry about everything. I just found out a very close person of mine was just dianoised with cancer and I thank that brought my anxiety back full bore.. How do you quope??? I need some reasurrance that I'm not going crazy and that everything will be okay.

09-05-13, 16:43
i understand hun i have days like this i go through theses moods too cos of anxiety and depression wish i was my old self again too where i enjoyed doing things & going places i do to feel like i.m going crazy sometimes but hun your not going crazy it just feels like that i know hun its not nice if you ever need a chat pm me hugs x

09-05-13, 19:20
Have you talked to your Doctor? They CAN help! Good luck - we are all in this together xx

09-05-13, 20:19
Yes several times and she just keeps throwing pills @ me, which I'm afraid to take. Thinking about seeing another doctor..