View Full Version : Constant headaches and other symptoms has me thinking I have a brain tumour :(

08-05-13, 22:52
I feel like I have many brain tumour symptoms such as:
- headaches for 10 years
- clicking in ears when I swallow
- dull ear pains
- sharp head pains that go in seconds
- twitching in eyelids, arms and legs
- sometimes a hot or cold pain in head
- sometimes pressure above right eye
- head pressure when I lay down that is on top of my head and forehead area
- pressure above right temples when I move my eyebrows
- pains in head when I lay on my right and left sides
- headaches worsen when I look down
- slight dizziness
- feeling as if I'm not real
- constant dull head pain, which sometimes worsens

Most recently I went to the doctors because I was severely dizzy, nauseas, weakness in my right arm and leg, head pains, and my face felt like pins and needles. He did neurological tests on me, checked my blood pressure, and did blood tests, everything was fine! He said it was due to anxiety which I truly believe that some of it was because right after the doctors my dizziness, leg and arm weakness, nausea, and face tingles almost all went away. (Took about a week for it to fully go). I still have all symptoms listed above. I'm scared that it may be a brain tumour. Any opinions?

08-05-13, 23:46
I would say it is NOT a brain tumour at all as it has been going on for so long.

08-05-13, 23:54
Thanks for the response, Nicola
I'm really trying to believe that, but it worries me that my symptoms are becoming worse. :(

09-05-13, 19:01
Anyone else have alike symptoms?

09-05-13, 19:32
I can relate somewhat to your concerns.

For the last week I've had a weird pressing feeling on the top of my head, in the same place. It's not been a constant feeling but seems to come and go.

I woke this morning with a bad pain around my left eye too, which has freaked me out a bit, it's seems to ease with paracetamol, but I don't really like taking them.

Was on the brink of visiting the doctors this afternoon, I'll be going in the morning if it doesn't improve just for some reassurance.

Head issues really get the better of me, I always seem to have something, I suffer pretty bad with my sinuses so that's what I usually put it down to.

I realise that a lot of headaches are caused by tension, which I think is where mine stem from.

09-05-13, 21:37
Hello, thanks for the reply :)

I've noticed anxiety has an effect on all the symptoms you have stated, have you ever thought it may be that?

I'm only saying that because it seems like every time I think about my symptoms they become worse, which makes me thing they are anxiety related. But like you said, sinuses can also do that to you

Have you ever had any head scans for that?

09-05-13, 22:24

Never had any scans as the issues usually clear themselves up within a few days, the pressure in my head at the mo could be from a number of things if I'm honest.

It's been a rollercoaster over the last month or 2, I lost my mum to cancer on April 1st after finding out she was ill only a week before she died. Then me and my wife had a few disagreements, and to top it off, my work has been on overload. I'm self employed so I can't really take any time out to relax without losing money.

Add to this that I have had sinus issues for a number of years now, plus a bout of vertigo last year and i was told by the doc only 3 weeks ago that i had a middle ear infection and a virus.

So to be truthful, I guess it's no surprise that I should be feeling a little under the weather considering the circumstances.

10-05-13, 01:53

Sorry to hear about what you're going through right now. What you have sounds like vertigo since it comes in and out and isn't there constantly.

My symptoms seem to be constantly, I can't even remember a day where I didn't have some sort of headache or head pain. I think the only way to ease my mind would be to get a head scan, I'm going to have to keep pushing my doctor for it.

Well, good luck I hope you get better and everything works out :)

10-05-13, 22:39
Sounds like it could be TMJ, which is a common jaw alignment problem. It causes problems around you jaw, eyes and ears. Ive had it all my life x

11-05-13, 00:41
Thanks for your opinion xfilme :)
Does it cause dizziness as well?

18-05-13, 02:50
I just can't stop thinking that all my symptoms are related to a brain tumour :(

I feel like I hav many brain tumour symptoms such as:
- headaches for 10 years
- clicking in ears when I swallow
- sharp head pains that go in seconds
- twitching in eyelids, arms and legs
- sometimes a hot or cold pain in head
- sometimes pressure above right eye
- head pressure when I lay down that is on top of my head and forehead area
- pressure above right temples when I move my eyebrows
- pains in head when I lay on my right and left sides
- headaches worsen when I look down
- on and off dizziness

It's driving me insane :( the doctor only did small neurological tests on me, checked my blood pressure and did blood work. Everything came out fine. He says anxiety :(

18-05-13, 03:02
Hey I am right up in there, my worst case scenario came true, I was diagnose with a pituitary tumor. But guess what? Even at worst case scenarios, there are always good outcomes. In my case, close monitoring, plus surgery if required are the protocol. I will have you know thought, that serious stuff, such as brain tumours, progress, whereas anxiety doesn't progress. This means, people with brain turmours, will have clear cut signs, and those aren't just having daily headaches.

18-05-13, 03:05
Hey I am right up in there, my worst case scenario came true, I was diagnose with a pituitary tumor. But guess what? Even at worst case scenarios, there are always good outcomes. In my case, close monitoring, plus surgery if required are the protocol. I will have you know thought, that serious stuff, such as brain tumours, progress, whereas anxiety doesn't progress. This means, people with brain turmours, will have clear cut signs, and those aren't just having daily headaches.

Hello, thanks a lot for the reply.
I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis :( I really hope everything works out for you. What were your symptoms like?

18-05-13, 03:19
Anyone else have brain tumour anxiety?

18-05-13, 03:52
Hello, thanks a lot for the reply.
I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis :( I really hope everything works out for you. What were your symptoms like?

None of the symptoms I have are related to my condition. As in if the tumor was the one causing the symptoms they would progressively get worse, however it can cause anxiety, given that the stress response is regulated by the H-P-A axis, or hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal axis. But trust me, the type of brain tumor you and I are scared of, is very, very rare. While I do have something, this something is very curable and treatable, as in survival rates for 10 years are in the 86-94% range.