View Full Version : ROCD help me no anxiety anymore :(

08-05-13, 23:07
hello everyone i am new to this site but have had rocd for about 1.5 years now.
here are the basics

my rocd started out of the blue the thoughts just popped into my head.
i used to go into depression i found it very hard to concentrate and eat properly i constantly worried i didn't love my boyfriend but i had anxiaty
i constantly searched on the internet to reasure my self.

now i don't have the anxiaty i just feel numb and senseless i feel like my rocd has gone and now i have just been left and i actually feel this was towards my boyfriend i don't want to feel like this. but when i think i always think or do you want to be with him i don't like thinking this i want to go back to noraml but i don't know what that was kjke i have been with my partner for 4 years.

can someone help me or give me some advice do i still have rocd? or has it gone? i want to love my boyfriend. arghi hate the fact im like this. help me

09-05-13, 12:56
can anyone help me? :(

07-07-13, 03:15
I think you need to confront your fears head on. When something happens that makes you doubt your feelings for your boyfriend just let them happen even look for situations where these thoughts pop up into your head and then don't react to them when they do. This should up.

I hope things get better


07-07-13, 08:38
This is such a hard one to deal with. There is such conflict as to whether this is ROCD or whether you really have changed your feeling towards your boyfriend. Maybe try and think, if you actually broke up with him, how would you feel? If this happened and he found someone else would you be devastated? Is he supportive towards you and how is your relationship apart from these fears? These are all things that may help you decide how you really feel.

Take care.

12-07-13, 21:24
I have had all kind of anxieties since a kid, mainly because of some kind of abuse. I did all sorts of therapies. 2 things really helped. 1. EMDR therapy (this is for post traumatic stress disorder) 2. this simple technique shown in that video (also based on reprogramming)


don't be fooled by how simple it looks. I have used it recently and I went to super ROCD over someone to sleeping (almost) like a baby. And feeling confident.