View Full Version : rocd help boyfriend made me spike

09-05-13, 00:55
i was talking to my boyfriend and i asked him what would you do if you didn't love someone anymore i was in a mood so i was saying this out of anger but i wish i didn't because its made me spike massively :(

he said you'd tell them i said what if that person dose not want to he said that's not fair in the person then. when he said this my heart dropped i felt awful am doing something wrong by not breaking up with him i don't want to i have well think i have i always doubt that i do but apparently most rocd suffers doubt that they do because its a doubting deisease i felt awful my boyfriend done not know about rocd i am just in a mess cab somber please help and give me some advice i feel like im the only one suffering and i also feel like im lying to my self i hate this i want to be my self again

10-05-13, 15:20
you are not alone on this. stay strong, this is your anxiety not you i promise. i am going through exactly the same and i worry sick but dont doubt yourself. if we didnt love our men then the thought of not loving them wouldnt make us so anxious. we do love them only our doubt and fear creeps in. listen to your heart and be brave. anxiety messes with our minds but it is only a feeling and we are not our feelings