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View Full Version : Have an interview for a job i badly want

09-05-13, 01:22
And the thought of it alone terrifies me! I feel anxious just thinking about it.

It's a 'club recruitment assessment', which means i have to jump through hoops (not literally) with the other candidates and do group activities and what not. Pretty silly if you ask me, but hey-ho.

Any advice to keep my anxiety down and not totally blow this chance?

09-05-13, 10:48
Hi there,

I can sympathise - I find interviews very daunting especially when you have to do tests/activities/presentations.
It's hard to offer advice in this situation but try and prepare as much as you possibily can, as if you were revising for an exam. Find out lots about the organisation and the role and practice interview questions. I find preparing answers to standard questions helps me as then I can adapt them slightly to what I am asked.

Have you tried taking something like resuce remedy before? Also sometimes it helps if you admit to the interviewer that you are nervous. I think it then helps take the pressure of you if you hesitate or fluster a bit.

Try to keep a clear head and breathe!
Best of luck,
J x