View Full Version : brain tumor fear!! scared!

09-05-13, 02:37
Hey everybody. It's been awhile since I have posted; been feeling so much happier for the past 3 weeks or so, and just planning for the future and getting on with my life. However, the last couple days, I have been feeling the left sided "weirdness" again, just like it feels different from the right. I had experienced this before, but this time there was a little tingling as well. This really started to scare me. My original fears were ALS, but I know there isn't any tingling with that, and I just put it out of my mind. But now, I'm just terrified that I have a brain tumor. I start to link up things that have happened over the past 7-8 months and it just all seems to fit! :( Like the sudden onset of anxiety like I had never had before in October, followed by getting really irritated and angry at my girlfriend's poor little dog (Chihuahua) for no apparent reason :( I feel so guilty about it and even though I've told her, it still scares me to death to think about how I had acted. I would have never ever hit or yelled at an animal in the past, and I want to believe it is my depression (as I lost my job at the time, and am living with my girlfriend at her parents house) and it's almost like a bullying action that made me feel powerful or something, as it was only this little dog, and no other animal. I also knew it was wrong when I was doing it, and I ended up just crying and telling my girlfriend about it about 3 months ago. I have not done anything since. I just wonder if this is the behavior change of a brain tumor, and I have ignored it and now it's probably huge and incurable :( And the other sensory symptoms I get like the left side stuff do come and go, and disappear when I'm not thinking about them. I've been on Zoloft for about 5 months now, and it has definitely calmed my anxiety and my thoughts. No headaches, vomiting, seizures, or falling over or anything like that... YET :O. Anyway, sorry for the long rambling post, I just wish I didn't have the relapses! I do so well for a while and then I jump right back into my old ways. The thought of brain cancer just terrifies me, and I really hope these past 8 months haven't been a clear indicator. What do you all think? Thoughts or similar experiences? Thanks!

09-05-13, 04:20
Im really starting to feel like the only way I will be eased of these fears is to test for what Im fearing. Can you get scans to test for brain cancer? Will that ease your fears? Im new to HA and it's debilitating for me at times. I just want this to end. :(

09-05-13, 04:23
Well I guess theoretically I could, but at the same time, Im too scared, and I also know that if thats clear, I will just move on to something else and it will just be a never ending cycle :(

09-05-13, 04:27
That's my worries too, exactly. Will a lymph node biopsy REALLY ease my fears? Or will I just find something else that a biopsy wouldn't pick up on to obsess about?

09-05-13, 07:44
Exactly. Thats the biggest problem. And in the process, you have probably spent tons of money for nothing, because of course the reassurance only lasts so long. Ugh. Frustrating!

09-05-13, 10:48
It's a long time to have those things and for it to b serious I think something else would of happened by now!

Your fine Hun, I for sure think its all anxiety :)