View Full Version : daily anxiety is destroying me

09-05-13, 13:11

does anyone else experience anxiety symptom all day everyday? the past 5 weeks have been hell, but i just have constant feeling of shaking inside, then my leg starts its nervous twitching, im so tired and feel weak also. i have been given sertraline 50mg and propanadol, been on sert for two weeks and propanadol 1 week, i know people say medication makes you feel worse first of all and take quite a few weeks to start working, but are my physical symptoms anxiety? i say to myself they are, but they just wont go away.

09-05-13, 13:15
It sounds like anxiety to me, and you are right the medication can take ages to work. I felt awful for 3-4 weeks before my meds kicked in, now the doctor is experimenting with the dosage and I am back to feeling awful again.....

Hang on in there :)

09-05-13, 16:45
Last year I had 6 months of daily anxiety with every possible symptom. Apart from the odd prescription of diazepan to help me sleep I wasn't on meds. I wanted them badly but my doctor wouldn't prescribe them. I'm glad of it now but at the time I wasn't happy about it.

Your anxiety has a mind of its own and will convince you of anything - try not to let it. It will get better in time - I promise.

09-05-13, 16:54
yes i do and the feeling of shaking inside it is anxiety i know of how you feel hun i know its not very nice i feel the same too :hugs: