View Full Version : Hello everyone !

09-05-13, 13:22

Im new to this forum so i think i should introduce my self. Im half Greek and swedish who lives in Stockholm and i "suffer" from lots of anxiety, panic attacks, health anxiety and agoraphobia. The agoraphobia comes usally when i have periods of panic attacks. In the last years i have realised that i actually had these problems from a very young age. As a kid i was "shy" but that where actually socialphobia, i also had problems with socialcodes because i beleive my parents didnt prepere or taught me.

Maybe it dosnt look like it but my life is a constant struggle. When you are a anxious person its difficult sometimes to have a strong personality and cope with other individuals eg with sociopaths, bullies and people who makes complaints about things that is not true. Im not afraid but arguments exhausts me and gives me weak sensations and its hard to handle.
I do manage to have a job but its sometimes very stressful. I can manage to have a normal social situation with some individuals but with some others are a struggle for me and they are the ones that causes bad situations for me and others. For lots of poeple go to their jobs with confident but for me its like prepering for a war and constant analyzing situations to save my self from getting fired even if i work hard and do much more than everyone else.

Another big issue in my life is that I live in Sweden, its a great country for working and security but my social life is almost 0. I havent been to Greece for 5 years and its killing me its just 4 hours flight from here and because of my panicattacks i find it difficult to travel.
I have a girlfriend since 5 years now but i see her more like a friend. Our sexlife is almost nothing, might happen once a month. And the reason is she gained so much weight that its embarrasing for me. I keep telling myself that i have to let her go but i dont have the courage. She wants us to live together now and have a family and that dosnt exist for me. She is the last person i have in my life exept from my family. I have to let her go soon and i wonder how i will move on with my life. I dated like 20 girls and theres only been 2 of them that became my girlfriends and im 29 years old.

I hope my english is decent.


09-05-13, 17:34
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

09-05-13, 19:17
Sorry to hear of your problems - we are all similar!
I am a bit worried that you want to get rid of your girlfriend because she has put some weight on; she is still the same person inside & I think she has helped you through some difficult times, so don't cast her aside just because of her weight - PLEASE!
I hope you find some help from here - good luck!!:flowers:

11-05-13, 11:57
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

Thanks :)

---------- Post added at 10:57 ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 ----------

Sorry to hear of your problems - we are all similar!
I am a bit worried that you want to get rid of your girlfriend because she has put some weight on; she is still the same person inside & I think she has helped you through some difficult times, so don't cast her aside just because of her weight - PLEASE!
I hope you find some help from here - good luck!!:flowers:

I know it sounds stupid and imature but we both have different life styles. Im the guy who likes to train and keep a good health and she is the one who eats chips everyday but her personality is the best i seen in a girl. Its a dilema for me.