View Full Version : Please has anyone felt this way?:-(

09-05-13, 14:23

I have been feeling really strange and uncomfortable all day today. Needless to say that Ihave to try hard not to panic. I was Ok until I got into work this morning. I walked and it was Windy but I don't know how that would make a difference. My eyes started feeling funny like heavy. I feel pressure just above my eyes in the corners. My forehead and head feels like there's pressure too. And weirdest of all If I suddenly get up or do something physical or even talk faster I get like a pressure feeling In my chest and head too-similar to head rush. Really tryin hard not to panic....
Please, has anyone experienced this? Why am l feeling like this....

09-05-13, 16:07
Millie, I get the head rush feeling a lot. I also feel like someone has hit me in the chest and knocked the wind out of me (getting it now actually). I am told its anxiety, but its so hard to accept that answer. I often ask "why am I feeling like this?" It often causes me panic and takes a lot of joy out of my life. I never imagined I'd be going through this. It's terrible, but you are not alone.