View Full Version : Blood sugar

09-05-13, 14:49
So every couple of hours I get a real dip in energy if I dont eat. My GP tested my blood sugar and I told him that I had just had a can of coke. My blood sugar came back at 3.1 and the normal is between 3.5 and 6. I am panicking about low blood sugar but he says its fine as I had coke so after the sugar rush, the insulin would have gone into my stores??? Scared

09-05-13, 16:22
I am not diabetic but my blood sugar can be as low as 2 when I have had it tested , my GP was not concerned when she took it and just said maybe I had not eaten a lot that day . Perhaps next day you have it tested it will be normal , my blood sugar is all over the place generally so I try not to worry about it too much.

09-05-13, 17:25
thanks Alma x

09-05-13, 18:23
Doesn't sound worrying to me. Why not eat little and often so say 300 cals every few hours or so .

09-05-13, 21:14

10-05-13, 17:38
have you done the test where you fast for so many hours and then have your blood sugar checked?

I have to eat very often or I get tired and dizzy, if I go too long with out food I even get shaky and sweaty but find the minute I eat I feel fine again! Actually some of my own anxiety was purely from not eating regularly and not staying hydrated enough by drinking water.

I don't think I have an issue with blood sugar, just maybe some people are more sensitive to changes :)

10-05-13, 18:57
Hi there
Thanks for reply, im doing this test on monday and panicking about how im going to be not eating

10-05-13, 20:05
Anxious_gal I am the same as you, have to eat regularly or blood sugar gets low and I get anxious/manic/dizzy/angry/disorientated/paranoid/freezing cold/depressed/exhausted/shakey! It's funny to range of things that can happen to you when it gets low!!

Some of us are just more sensitive to this stuff bab, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong, it just means that you need to look after yourself and eat every 2/3 hours to keep yourself feeling good :)

Take a look at your diet and make sure you're eating foods that will keep your blood sugars stable. A bad diet can cause big spikes and lows in our blood sugars, it's much better to follow a diet that will keep things stable for you. If you google blood sugar diet or low GI diet you will learn about it. It's not a diet as in trying to lose weight, but more in the sense of learning to look after your body.

11-05-13, 10:38
thanks hun x