View Full Version : dilemma, feeling depressed

09-05-13, 15:45

I have a dilemma.
I am currently on venlafaxine, been on it now 7-8 months. The last couple of months or so I have had a taste in my mouth followed now by a sore roof of my mouth.
I have tried and been to -

1 dentist to see if amalgam filling are leaking. NO
2 psych to mention if its the venlafaxine, she looked at SE, no mention of mouth problems. BUT what if mine is
3 been to doctors had few bloods done NOTHING came back, know she given me difflam which just gives me numb feeling but symptoms still there.
4 is it my vitamins, magnesium,B-)complex,zinc and sunflower oil
So I'm just getting more depressed and anxious do I

1 change my med
2 change my amalgam filling to white at a cost of £1000 I havnt really got
3 get appointment with oral medicine at hospital which could be months away

I just feel so tearful and depressed right now,


09-05-13, 19:41
I'm on Venlafaxine (for the second time) since January; it IS helping, but I do suffer from a (very) dry mouth & feel that my tongue has swollen up, but the effect on the anxiety is worth it so far! If it's that bad after 8 months, go back to the doc & s/he will change it for you: something WILL work xx

John Harvey Kellogg
09-05-13, 20:41
I was on Venlafaxine for ages, had nothing like it. Billions of people have billions of minor health problems that come and go. It's probably nothing to stress about. Chronic tiredness can manifest in low grade gum infections, ulcers etc, its more than likely something to do with that.