View Full Version : Vertigo

09-05-13, 16:42
I ve had some conflicting reports and its making me confused.
I suffer with major vertigo and i was understanding that this was a symptom of anxiety but... I have been told that Dizziness is a symptom but Vertigo isnt, Is there anyone out there that has vertigo, not dizziness.

09-05-13, 17:39
I ve had some conflicting reports and its making me confused.
I suffer with major vertigo and i was understanding that this was a symptom of anxiety but... I have been told that Dizziness is a symptom but Vertigo isnt, Is there anyone out there that has vertigo, not dizziness.
No, plenty of dizziness from anxiety and medications too, but never vertigo.

Have you been checked for ear problems?

09-05-13, 19:18
Yeah vertigo is a very specific problem, not caused by anxiety. The anxiety sort is often light-headedness/slight loss of balance and co-ordination. Have you had this a long time?

09-05-13, 22:08
4 years started with panic attacks then vertigo and every symptom in the book inc ETD and sinus infection I feel so ill dizzy vertigo weird everything every day. I dont have panic attacks anymore but I feel like I am stuck at the start of one.

09-05-13, 23:07
You aught to chat to your doctor to see if you can get vertigo treated. Are you sure it is vertigo you have? I can barely walk when I have it.

10-05-13, 15:46
Yes, I know someone who had vertigo. If it is vertigo it can be treated with medication. She was like Pancho . it can be so bad cannot move.
I would see your GP scotwilson

10-05-13, 16:12
Could it be inner ear issues? Always worth getting it checked out. I woke up one morning about 7 months ago to a spinning room and feeling completely off balance. It felt like that moment you lie down when you've had a few too many only I was standing up :wacko:! I could walk but it was a struggle. My ears were very crackly and full of pressure. My doctor checked me all over and couldn't find anything physically wrong with me but she was almost certain it was a blockage deep in my ear called Labthrynitis! Having looked up the symptoms of this I can relate to alot of them. I have medication for vertigo to control the dizziness but to be honest it doesn't make much difference. It's something that comes and goes. I can go for months without issues then it comes back and can last for weeks. Hope you get some answers soon. xx

10-05-13, 19:48
6 GPs, 2 ENTs, 1 Nurologist, 2 Therapists, 1 Cbt Therapist, 6 MRIs More pills and posions then you can shake a stick at. And they say its Anxiety......But Vertigo is my worst symptom.....so What can i do.

10-05-13, 19:53
Hey Scott, I have issues with balance and vertigo, they are not anxiety related but it does make my symptoms worse.

What do you mean by you have vertigo? As in do you have a constant sense of imbalance or do you suffer from bouts of vertigo where everything spins (or it feels like you're spinning) for a certain period of time. Do recognise anything that triggers your vertigo?

10-05-13, 19:58
Hi , have just Been diagnosed with visual and BPPV vertigo inner ear problem which causes bad anxiety in my case , but now I know the problem after 9 years and with some exercises they gave me to do hopefully things will improve which I'm very confident with.. Hope things work out for you..!

10-05-13, 21:30
Constant imbalance with bouts of complete shifts not full room spins, I also have vision that warps . I suffer with halos and after images straight lines shimmer, this all started with a sinus infection, which caused estation tube disfunction but because I didn't get to see a specialist within a year my gate was compensated. I also be much worse if I doze and not sleep for more then 8 hours but mornings are horrific.

10-05-13, 22:16
Yeah I often find morning times the worst too, I often wake up feeling nautious and unwell.

You should ask your doctor about Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy, or take a look to see if anyone in your area does this. It's a type of physiotherapy that focuses on your balance and can help you regain your balance and deal better with the vertigo spells. They will test your balance system, see where your main problems are and give you a personalised set of exercises that all help with the vision, gait and balance problems.

I've been doing it the last couple of months and it's really helped me. I hope in time to get much better. My physio thinks that I have migraine associated vertigo - I get a lot of weird visual stuff happening on a daily basis too. I've learned that regular sleep really helps, so yeah try getting to bed and getting up at the same times every day, don't sleep in and don't nap and see if that helps you.

working mom
24-09-13, 20:41
My friend's sister had the same problem. She'd wake up with dizziness and couldn't function all day. She came across an easy way to treat her vertigo while she sleeps. She uses a SimBalance system to perform the head maneuver routines comfortably at night so she wakes up without any dizziness. She started using it more than a year ago, and almost immediately her positional vertigo went away and has not recurred even once since. You should look into it.

24-09-13, 21:44
My father suffers from vertigo as a result of nerve damage in one of his ears. As a result he suffered from major dizziness, hearing loss (no.....) and poor balance. The dizziness has gone since it happened but he struggles looking up or being anywhere with ceilings too high or being high up. I remember once we were in Egypt he had to hold on to me and my mother tightly just look up to see the painted columns and ceiling, something we all take for granted. Sometimes he gets vertigo when he's completely stable, like standing the living room or lying in bed, but that's only on a bad day.

Vertigo is a condition in its own right, dizziness is a symptom. So vertigo causes dizziness but dizziness is not always caused by vertigo, it can be caused by dehydration, low blood sugar, medication and so on.