View Full Version : Tiny lump on inner eye--scared it'll get worse

09-05-13, 17:12
So I posted awhile back about the throat issues I've been having--which haven't gone away, unfortunately. I've found myself dealing with other aches and pains which also trigger my health anxiety to astronomical levels. However, I have an obsession about my eyes which actually pre-dates my current bout of severe HA.

It all started about half a year ago when I felt like I had something in my eye. I didn't see anything in it but the feeling went on for days. It was painful and gritty and awful. I didn't see a doctor because I was snowed in for awhile. The feeling went away but I started getting really weird about stuff getting in my eyes. And I don't know if I'm just extra sensitive or not, but I DO seem to get a lot of stuff in my eyes! My eyelashes are always falling out, dust, skin flakes, always stuff flying in and then I have to take it out. When I get sinus pressure, my eyes get so painful that it hurts to even blink.

I've been trying to do better about it, but today I woke up and looked in the mirror and there's a tiny bump on the bottom inner eyelid of my left eye. I'm terrified of this! Not because I think it's cancer or some killer disease, but because I'm afraid it'll get bigger and affect my eye. Just thinking about it, my eye feels a bit sore. I've never dealt with a stye or anything like that so I don't even know if that's what it is. I'm just so scared about it. I can't go to a doctor today and I'm trying not to Google too much because it always brings up pictures of big eye growths and other disgusting things.

It's just like a tiny red bump. I tried to move it and it's definitely attached. I'm going to try some warm compresses or something but does anybody have any advice on how to deal with this? I'm trying not to let it turn into a panic but I can feel it rising up in me. :scared10:

09-05-13, 18:04
Hi there!! I have a similar issue but i thought there was a lump in my eye,eye doctor checked and said that its nothing and allergy form pimples that form when it gets a bit too..im paranoid about my eyes, i have a fear of losing my sight and thinking what will become of my life. It is best to consult with an eye ophthalmologist. I am sure yours is just a stye that will be gone in a week.