View Full Version : migraine or headache causing a 'mini stroke' like thing..?

09-05-13, 18:36
has anyone else ever experienced like a mini stroke kind of feeling due to migraines or bad head aches...?

i felt my face felt droopy and uneven then i went into major panic mode thinking shit im having a stroke and im 19!!!

how can headaches make you feel this way?!

09-05-13, 19:17
hi yes im actually having it right now i feel so ill pain and numbness down both sides of body feel sick chest and neck pain. feelin dizzy fast heart flutters inheart low bp.

09-05-13, 19:36
i hope your okay, its a horrible feeling,

i run to a mirror and check my face for drooping etc x

feel free to private message me

10-05-13, 15:20
Yep - I get this on/off too. Having an episode right now! I don't know what a mini stroke feels like but it's what I imagine it to be. I get pressure in the right side on my head which makes my ear, eye and jaw feel funny. The dizziness can be really bad at times too. I've also in the past looked in the mirror for signs of drooping and convinced myself that one side of my mouth is lower than the other :doh:. I've been through all the scenarios like strokes, brain tumours, etc, but I've kind of accepted now that it's probably a migraine thing and it doesn't really scare me now - it's just annoying and uncomfortable. I also have alot of tension in my right shoulder and neck so it could be that too - it's all connected!

10-05-13, 18:13
Yep - I get this on/off too. Having an episode right now! I don't know what a mini stroke feels like but it's what I imagine it to be. I get pressure in the right side on my head which makes my ear, eye and jaw feel funny. The dizziness can be really bad at times too. I've also in the past looked in the mirror for signs of drooping and convinced myself that one side of my mouth is lower than the other :doh:. I've been through all the scenarios like strokes, brain tumours, etc, but I've kind of accepted now that it's probably a migraine thing and it doesn't really scare me now - it's just annoying and uncomfortable. I also have alot of tension in my right shoulder and neck so it could be that too - it's all connected!

I do the exact same, once i panicked so much i literally ran to the bathroom and checked my face freaking out, i convinced my self alot that my face had drooped and my mouth and eye looked lower than the left side!!

10-05-13, 18:25

I get this feeling as well it is a horrible feeling and I have done the looking in the mirror and seeing drooping on the left side but if I ask others they can see nothing.

And it is always my left side from my eye down to my jaw.

But hey this has happened 100s of times in the last few years and nothing has come of it.

10-05-13, 18:34
i wonder what it is
and why we get it

its obviously down to migraines caused by anxiety causing more anxiety....

the joys.

living life in a circle.

well at least we arent alone guys :)

10-05-13, 20:21
I've never really had very bad migraine pain, but I have had very bad bouts of vertigo with head pressure that I'm told could possibly by migraine.

Anyway during these bouts my right arm often goes numb or feels weak, it's really scary and the first couple of times it happened I thought I was having a stroke too, at 29 years of age lol. So I understand your fear, it's the most horrible sensation and it's very scary!

Migraine can explain a lot of odd things happening, and I've read of other people talking about their face going numb and things like that. It's very weird but it feels better to know that others go through the same thing x

10-05-13, 22:08
hi honeylove

yes its very scary lol

ive experienced the numb arm.and face

scares me alot its nice to no im not alone xx