View Full Version : hello major health anxiety sufferer here (I hope)

09-05-13, 19:00
Hello there I am a 38 year old male here from the UK. As expressed from my message I hope that I am suffering from health anxiety and not a serious ailment.

I have had a multitude of all over bodily symptoms during the past year, and also an whole range of diagnostic tests. Nothing found yet except for an Hiatus Hernia.

Hopefully I can connect who are in the same situation as me, and gain knowledge and support from them.

I will be on the health anxiety board to discuss my symptoms and problems I have been having.

Anyway hope you are all ok.

09-05-13, 19:07
Hi Dek :welcome:

I have health anxiety too, and feel the same way that you have described.

I'm sure you will find lots of help and support here :)

09-05-13, 19:25
Hi Bekzie thanks for the reply.

Hope you are ok. have you experienced weight loss with your anxiety? I have lost around 20 pounds but have been eating normally if not more.

11-05-13, 12:13
Hi dek if you don't mind me asking what was your symptoms with your hernia

11-05-13, 14:01
Glad to have you with us.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

12-05-13, 17:33
Hi, I'm very sorry things are not good for you, I totally understand. It started with me last year with my stomach, loads tests and all clear, then had joint problems and again all tests clear, then got palpitations had loads more tests and again all clear, been under st Thomas hospital London a lupus tests and again all clear. Now waiting to see another consultant for something else. It's never ending. Just wondered if you understood all of this ? ! :) Emma x

12-05-13, 17:35
Hi :welcome: to the forum, as a fellow sufferer I can relate to your story and am sure you will find loads of help and support on here.

12-05-13, 20:21
Thanks for all the kind words, it's nice to no I am not alone and people will support me.

---------- Post added at 19:18 ---------- Previous post was at 19:15 ----------

Hi dek if you don't mind me asking what was your symptoms with your hernia
I started getting pains just below my breast bone. At first they were only occasional, it was also tender to touch the area. This went for a while, then came back but more intense and longer lasting. It is like a dull gnawing pain.

---------- Post added at 19:21 ---------- Previous post was at 19:18 ----------

Hi, I'm very sorry things are not good for you, I totally understand. It started with me last year with my stomach, loads tests and all clear, then had joint problems and again all tests clear, then got palpitations had loads more tests and again all clear, been under st Thomas hospital London a lupus tests and again all clear. Now waiting to see another consultant for something else. It's never ending. Just wondered if you understood all of this ? ! :) Emma x
Emma I understand what you are saying, it's awful. It's like you cant stop until you are diagnosed with something.
My docs have diagnosed me with stress and depression - Yeah right. People who know me laughed at that diagnoses.