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View Full Version : another funny turn today

09-05-13, 19:02
Well here we go again! Started this morning with heart pumping in stomach and feeling as if I was going to pass out. Nearly did not go to work but my partner persuaded me I would be fine and it would pass. Felt foggy headed and distant most of the morning then early afternoon I started feeling shakey and had horrible feeling in my head it felt numb and hot, I had a sort of head rush and my eyes went all blurred for around 5 minutes. I panicked and had to get my partner to come and fetch me. Im so angry its beat me again. I felt shakey and thick headed all afternoon. Any one experienced similar or any advice would be appreciated.

09-05-13, 19:05
i get the exact same!!!

sometimes i feel 'not there'
and that im listening to someone talk and im not even there, like a out of body experience.

shit scary.

sometimes i feel like everythings going by really quick if you get me?

feel free to private message me xxx