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View Full Version : unplanned weight loss of 18-20 pounds plus an whole melody of symptoms

09-05-13, 19:21
Hell there I have lost around 18-20pounds over the last year, I am not sure how this happened but I am convinced there is something wrong with me.

I have had the following medical tests some more than once.

Blood test (Blood count, liver, kidney, pancreas, C reactive, ESR, celiac, ANA and other autoimmune, bone profile, glucose, crohns, total protiens, cholesterol, PSA, Hormones and more I cant remember).
chest and stomach x-rays
abdominal ultrasound (twice)
Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound
camera down my nose into throat
ultrasound of my neck, salivary glands and back of head.
Urine tests x 5
HIV and full sexual tests.

plus various consultations.
The only ailment discovered is an Hiatus Hernia.

My symptoms have been numerous and effected my whole body, some have gone and some I have still.

The main symptoms I have now are
Fatigue - although this is getting better
higher than normal pulse rate
cold then burning hands and feet.
foamy urine
undigested food in my stool
creaking joints.
White frothy saliva.

I am currently on PPI for my hernia, but they don't seem to work.

Anyone out there suffering any similar symptoms? The weight loss is a worry but seems to be stable now. I am eating more than enough to be gaining weight.