View Full Version : Worried about smear test results

09-05-13, 19:33
Hi everyone

Just looking for some reassurance!

I'm 32 and had plenty smear yeast all of which came back normal, so when I had my last one in jan 2013 I was shocked that it came back inadequate :( and needed to be retested in three months, I was told it could have been due to the amount of blood in the swab, so anyway had my retest on Tuesday this week and been feeling awful with my anxiety, keep thinking that this one will be the same as when she did the smear my cervix bled again quite a bit and that it could be from the cervical erosion!

Can't cope waiting or results

Anyone else had an inadequate smear result?


Jayne xx

10-05-13, 22:18
Inadequate means nothing. Just means you need another test to get more cells. It doesnt mean abnormal, thats quite differnt. Abnormal results wouldnt show from an inadequate test. Inadequate tests can be due to not scraping enough at the smear test, too much mucus because its too close to your period etc. I wouldnt be anxious at all. It means nothing other than needing to take the test again to get more cells. x

11-05-13, 11:44
Thanks for the reply but my anxiety is making me think the worst I am awful at waiting for results always think there is something wrong, not eaten or slept for nearly a week now :( xx

19-05-13, 21:24
After two weeks of unnecessary worrying my smear is all normal, wish my anxiety would do one ! As I've made myself I'll for two weeks for nothing! Very glad with the result though xx

19-05-13, 21:35
Did not see your original post but I am glad your results are normal. Hate waiting for results so know how you feel. xx

19-05-13, 21:52
thats great news!! my smear is in june and im already worried about the results..

19-05-13, 22:41
Thanks guys I always think the worst when I should try and be more laid back! Must be in my genes xx