View Full Version : My pancreas is going to kill me?

09-05-13, 19:36
I'm a new user, I'm 24 and I'm freaking out.

So I think I have either a chronic pancreatitis (about 7 years to live) or a pancreatic cancer (sliiightly worse here, about 6 months).

'Bout 8 months ago I've had a "gallbladder" attack (in quotes as nobody is sure what that really was), and I've gone through a Ultra Sound thing (nothing out of the ordinairy there) and I had my blood samples taken about 8 times, checking everything there was to check in blood. All they found was elevated billirubin levels (5 times higher than it's suppose to be), so they just gave me some medication for the inflamed gallbladder and called it quits. Everything went back to normal. Super.

And now it's back! Feeling nausea, mild jaundice, dark urine (sorry, a bit descriptive) pain in the upper right... all of that. Went to a doc again, she gave me the same medication (which made things better... again) and now I have to check my pancreatic enzyme levels. I'm really freaking worried that there's something really messed up with my pancreas! I mean, the gallbladder doesn't just go nuts twice without a reason, right?

If the doc thinks there might be something goin' on with my pancreas, it has to be that. And I'm worried I'm gonna die. Now I'm really depressed (also a symptom of pancreatic cancer... doesn't help!), and scared.

And now I'm feeling pain in the upper left and gurgling. Yeah, it may be my anxiety, but I'm not going to think rationally.

I'm thinking that the vitamin medication for my acne somehow fritzed up my pancreas when I was taking it for a year (the symptoms started a couple of months after I stoped taking it). It has to be something serious, I mean I did have 2 gallbladder attacks without gallstones...

I kinda also have some history with panic attacks (heart palpitations about 9-10 monts back) and IBS, so I don't know... I just don't. Maybe I'm not in the right place to freak out? Maybe I should've posted this on some med forum? Sorry if I'm in the wrong place. I've been really depressed/anxious for a year now, and this isn't helping at all...

09-05-13, 19:48
Have you lost any weight? I had pancreas fears due to weight loss, had ultrasounds and a CT with contrast, no abnormalities. If you are in the uk try the pancreactic cancer advice centre they are very good.

09-05-13, 19:55
I haven't noticed any weight loss, so probably not. I'm in Poland, so nah, can't.
...Ohhh, so that's why she made me go on a weight, to compare it to my weight later on... Huh. I don't know how to feel about that.

09-05-13, 19:58
If you haven't lost any weight I wouldn't be too worried about Pancreactic cancer, weight loss is usually one of the first symptoms.

Are you in real bad pain?? pancreatitis is really painful, and should show up an ultrasound.

09-05-13, 19:59
Hi :)

I have had chronic/acute pancreatitis, chronic for 7 years and acute when I was hospitalised because of it. All I can say is if you had pancreatitis you would know about it because the pain is unbearable.
Your doctor doesn't seem worried so try not to panic yourself about it, get the levels checked and you will have peace of mind. The aches and pains could be just anxiety. Talk to your doctor and explain exactly how you feel, it will help you. Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

09-05-13, 20:01
So your story sounds a lot like mine and I'm also 24. I had a "gallbladder attack" about two years ago (worst pain I've ever felt, upper abdomen and through to my back, hot/cold waves, etc for like 6 hours). I had the ultrasound and tests and nobody knew, so I was meant to go in for a HIDA scan but never did. These days I have pain in my upper right, right side, upper left, IBS-like symptoms, and even pain up into my chest sometimes. But I also have been diagnosed with gastritis which can cause the nausea, the pain, etc. I know you had the abnormal blood results, but from what I've read, pancreatic cancer is rare. If the pancreas checks out, I think you should ask for a HIDA scan, which is the best test for gallbladder. You can have gb problems without stones. It's all very scary to deal with, I know! It'll get better. Most things are treatable and we have age on our side.

09-05-13, 20:03
Aw, you guys. I'm glad I came here. I'm feeling a bit better now. Thank you!
I'll check things out, but yeah, I may be overreacting.

09-05-13, 20:06
Yay! Glad our words have given some comfort. Say hello to Poland for me, I love that place!

10-05-13, 03:17
Hey. I can definitely relate to your fears of pancreatic cancer. It was one of my biggest fears! I had horrible abdominal pain radiating to my back, nausea, depression, pale stools. So many symptoms. Well it is now 5 months later and all of that is long gone! One thing to try and keep in mind is that you are 24. That makes the chance of pancreatic cancer pretty much impossible. Message me if you want to talk! :)

04-10-15, 18:09

What did you do to relieve your symptoms and what was the final diagnosis in your case?


---------- Post added at 13:09 ---------- Previous post was at 13:07 ----------


Did you end up receiving a diagnosis? What was the end result? Could you share with us?


05-10-15, 06:04
Gallbladder attacks are actually very common. Also, I believe depression is a cancer symptom in the majority of cases after diagnosis because the person is terminally ill.

Hope you feel alright now.

06-10-15, 07:15
Can totally relate to the fear of pancreatic cancer. I lost my dad to it last year and was convinced i had it. Weight loss depression upper back pain bloating dark urine was convinced i was jaundice. Dr done bloods and sent me for a reassurance scan and luckily everything was fine. One of my worse fears. Glad everything is starting to improve with your symptoms xx