View Full Version : night sweats

09-05-13, 20:27
i am worried about the night sweats i have been getting, i have never had them before but the last 3 night i have got them...
i am on a higher dose of meds is it a side effect, or is it another symtom of my panic disorder

09-05-13, 20:37
Hi Torri,

What meds are you on Torri? It's just that I am on citalopram and I have night sweats as a side effect. They are a bit like hot flushes, not very nice but perfectly ok.

09-05-13, 21:57
I'm on 100 sertraline I was on 50....I'm trying to tell myself it's side effects

09-05-13, 22:18
I have started getting them since increasing my Venlafaxine 6 weeks ago. Definitely can be a side effect of the meds...hopefully will subside a bit as your body gets used to the dose increase. Kitti :)