View Full Version : Cut A Long Story Short.

09-05-13, 20:46

Title kind of sums up how I'm feeling just now, so it started off two months ago I got drunk and had unprotected sex with a female I've known for years and believe is no specific risk to myself.

Anyway I've got myself all wound up after getting weird sensations in my throat I went to the doctors and whilst he was checking me for other things I asked him to check my lymph nodes on my neck and he said there was nothing unusual and it was it would just be muscular.

Now to add to that I've got a heat sensation in the middle of my chest but there is no sign of a rash.

These two symptoms have me convinced I have HIV, I'm scared to go get the test, what's next if it is positive? I would feel like I've let down everyone and what for? A stupid one night stand.

Apologies for banging on I just feel at a loose end.


09-05-13, 21:44
You should get yourself tested for HIV, it will help ease your mind:)

Good luck

09-05-13, 21:48
yeah, I think it maybe the only option :(.

09-05-13, 21:56
I got checked for HIV recently as well and it was terrifying to say the least. But I have swollen lymph nodes all over and going through a divorce, I've had a couple encounters to curb the loneliness. My test was negative. Just go ahead and get it done.

09-05-13, 22:39
I'm sorry to hear you're going through all that, and to think I'm moaning about the above.

I'm going to try get it done in the next week and get this cloud lifted from over me and get on with my life.

hope things pick up for you.

09-05-13, 23:54
Get an instant test if you are worried, regular tests normally take 2 weeks and the wait will increase your anxiety - u will b fine though :)