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View Full Version : Dried blood?

09-05-13, 20:50
Hi I work in a factory the other day we had some bottles made from somewhere come in with blood on dried blood. :scared15:. We were made to keep using them because it makes money according to the boss. Shocking really they should of been rejected and sent back straight away but no he could only see the pound signs in his eyes, we were wearing plastic gloves and he even spoke to a medical professional to ask and they said you can't catch anything but is this true?

09-05-13, 21:11
If you were wearing gloves it will not harm you.

09-05-13, 21:17
Thanks it wasn't good when everyone was talking about HIV and hepatitis etc around me.
They shouldn't of been used though . And he admitted it was because that job makes a huge profit which only he benefits from. Terrible management.

09-05-13, 22:27
If you were wearing gloves then don't worry you will be fine. The other thing is most viruses don't survive for very long outside the body, HIV in particular is quite a weak virus so I don't think that would be a risk even if you weren't wearing gloves, as for Hepatitis I think that is a bit more resiliant but even so you are probably talking about dried blood that had been around for days so I think it's highly unikely anything could survive in those conditions, not to mention the changes in temperature which could easily kill anything lurking.

I have to say though that is disgusting just goes to show some companies will stop at nothing to earn money, shocking just basic hygiene really should have prevented it getting on the bottles in the first place.