View Full Version : She has AIDS...

09-05-13, 20:56
Hi everyone..well I have an issue with a new co-worker. I am not a mean person and I am very timid you could say. Well I work as a legal receptionist and my boss hired this girl to work with me at the front as sometimes I take leave because I fall ill. Anyways, the girl started working about a month ago and we do talk and get along. But one day we were having this discussion about health and she went onto talk about the topic on HIV AIDS. She said she never got tested for Aids and she says she thinks she has it but will never get tested if it comes down to it. I was shocked at her response and she saw my reaction and she said she doesnt know for sure. I dont know why but now i am having this phobia of catching the disease. SHe constantly is around me coughing and sneezing and i know you cannot catch it that way but she overdoes it. Sometime i just want her out of my face because I feel she takes the disease AIDS too lightly and she told me she has a lot of boyfriends. I really cant avoid her because she sits with me at reception.. I always have to wash my hands every now and then becuase I just feel like i dont want to end up dying now and i have alot of life to live and i dont want to spend it taking freaking pills because of some disease.. :/ i dont know im just feeling rather weird about this.

09-05-13, 21:05
It's understandable to be scared of HIV/AIDS as it's a very serious disease. However you cannot catch it from your colleague so you must remember that!

Have you tried encouraging her to get tested? If she really thinks she might have it then I think it would be beneficial and as a result you might feel more comfortable.
Regardless, as long as you practice safe sex, it is highly unlikely that you will contract this disease or die from it. You do have a lot of life left to live and this really shouldn't be something that weighs on your mind and prevents you from enjoying your life.
Maybe if you can work out a way to support your colleague you might feel less nervous around her?
J x

10-05-13, 07:30
I wonder if a supervision with your boss is in order. Not so much for you because even if she does have aids then it is her right to work etc. It's not really about her working there. I am more concerned with her suspecting she has it and sleeping with other men. Isn't there legislation about this? Couldn't she be charged if she willingly slept with another man knowing/suspecting she has aids?

I would tell her to get checked as you have moral concerns. Offer to go with her if she's scared. Maybe she's just scared of finding out.

Good luck.