View Full Version : going abroad worries

09-05-13, 21:07
Hi all, i posted this awhile ago when i was thinking about a holiday. i booked and paid the deposit....now im not so sure about the holiday!
im soo worried about getting an upset tummy, the holiday is to thailand and everyone has said to me you will get a dodgy tummy and i know i will. in turkey on the last day i had a bit of a bad tummy but luckily i was in the hotel room and it didntlast long, what if i get it when im out sightseeing or on a boat trip??! eeekk so cant believe im so worried about this that im thinking about not going!!
how do you all cope with tummies abroad? !

10-05-13, 00:17
I went to Turkey for 10 days and i had diarrhea the whole time (tmi). Went to a pharmacy (they spoke very little English), tried to explain that i had an upset stomach and needed something. Well cut a long story short they gave me a laxative.

Spent most the next 2 days drained, dehydrated and an even worse stomach. Mix that in with the extreme heat out there and it's not a good combination.

macc noodle
10-05-13, 02:31
Just take some immodium tablets with you for diarrhoea, dioralyte rehydration sachets to rebalance your minerals and you can use these if you do get the runs.

I am sure you will be fine xx