View Full Version : urinary/bladder symptoms again

10-05-13, 00:12
I have had anxiety on and off for many years. It flares up and then goes away for a while and now its back in full force. Many things I am worried about lately...upcoming trip, work stress, also my husband and I are going to try to get pregnant soon and that has kicked my anxiety into super high gear. The latest "symptom" I am noticing is frequent urination and bladder pressure, mostly at night but sometimes during the day too. I have to think this is anxiety but I am starting to worry it is something more. I used to never get up in the night to pee, maybe once a night at most, but lately it seems to be 3 times a night. It is wierd because I wake up, think I have to go, then when I actually go, its not much and I wonder why I woke up from it. I also get this feeling of tightness/pressure in my bladder area. I have been noticing for a while now that it feels like I have to go worse than I actually do. I know anxiety can affect the bladder and cause frequent urination, but now I am worrying this frequent urinating at night and bladder pressure feeling is a sign of something worse....ovarian cysts, IC, etc. I have read a lot online about the tests they do for bladder problems......they sound miserable...catheters etc.....and now I am even worried to get it checked out. Can this be anxiety? Please help.

10-05-13, 12:11
I really think this is anxiety as it affects me in the same way but I would get it checked out at your doctors just for peace of mind.

10-05-13, 14:25
I have been having this problem the past week or so...

I feel the need to go pretty much as soon as ive been but there isnt really anything there.

My anxiety has been ok and is getting better so im a little concerned as to why its happening now and not when I was at my worst (although I do slightly remember it happening a while ago). I hardly ever went at night, I now go once and if not i really need it when I wake up in the morning. I sometimes think the more I think about it then the more I need to go.

Are you drinking more?
Do you have IBS?

I have just finished my last CBT session and now this has started to worry me. Im not blaming you of course but ahh I though I was getting better and getting over my OC fears.

Anyone else have any input?


10-05-13, 14:33
Hi yes anxiety can cause bladder sensations but so can a cystitis, but another problem that can cause those sensations is lack of fluids, up your fluid intake and take either cranberry capsules or juice or lemon and barley if you hate the taste of water.
Hope this helps, if its cystitis you will get the burn and then you will need to get something from chemist or docs.

10-05-13, 15:19
I think Annie is right, you need to have a word with your GP.
I know when I am anxious, more anxious than usual I tend to want a wee,and then
it's just a dribble, but I have to go the toilet just in case.
It's the bladder pressure you have that is making me think you need to see GP

14-05-13, 02:06
Hi everyone,
Thank you for your replies. I went to my doctor earlier today. She did a urine test and a quick pelvic exam. Says the urine culture was negative and the pelvic exam felt normal. I talked about my anxiety (and had my husband go with to attest to the level of anxiety this is causing me). She thinks it is anxiety and wants me back on my Zoloft for a month and then said if it doesnt get better after that she would refer me to a urologist. I asked about the diseases I was concerned about and she said she didn't think that was it. I hope this will calm my anxieties. I felt good afterwards and went on a run with no bladder trouble, but now I'm a litte anxious again. oh the vicious cycle.....

14-05-13, 20:22
Aww I can assure you this is defo anxiety, I had this for 6 months last year and it really really depressed me, once you realise that its not a problem its just going the toilet it will just go, its hard at first and it took me a long time but ive been there and it will go xx

16-05-13, 20:55
Hi jayne, thanks for your reply. I remember reading your posts about this before and am so glad to hear you are feeling better. This is such an aggravating symptom and I recall how troubling it was for you. Glad to hear you are doing better. I have been feeling really good the past few days, I think the doc did end up calming my nerves quite a bit. And I think the zoloft is helping too. I hope this symptom will stay away for both of us!

22-05-13, 01:21
Well I had a good week or two in there.....now it's seems the urination is back. I must still be adjusting to the sertraline....I forgot to take my dose last night and wow...it was a bad night. Up a lot peeing, hardly slept, and worried. I don't know if missing a dose can make you react that quickly but I have definitely noticed the symptoms today too. I think it MUST be anxiety if my symptoms mostly disappeared and now they are back a little over a week later? We have a trip coming up which is making me anxious....which I hate because trips are supposed to be relaxing. My anxiety just gets the best of me.

28-05-13, 14:52
I get this and it's so annoying!! When it come I need to wee constantly but holding it in and retraining your bladder helps as your bladder has a memory!! Have not found a cure yet only that it goes when it wants!! I now know lots of people who also get this though!!