View Full Version : Trusting Doctors

10-05-13, 00:22
So Hey everyone, I've always had health anxiety . I always make the doctors give me test because I never believe what they say for longer then a day anyway. Any,who, I just had an oral biopsy done on something I thought needed it. My dentist said it was nothing to be concerned about and assured me she was 99.9 % sure it was nothing, but did the biopsy anyway for my piece of mind. OMG, why cant iI just believe her and go on about my business until the results come in??? WHY because I have to look all over the damn internet and everything is freaking cancer.UGH PLease help me understand , that I need to trust the dentist!!!!!!

10-05-13, 14:57

I know exactly how you feel, i have just been to doctors this week about a boney lump at the top of my shin, although two doctors have basically said the same thing that its just excess bone, i have still made up in my mind its something bad.

The second doc sent me for an xray for piece of mind and to confirm in his mind it is what he thinks it is, but im still freaking out about it.

Why cant we just accept what they say, why have we got a better idea of what something is than a doctor who has had many years of training.

I do sometimes think its down to how a doctor/dentist interacts with you and the language they use is so important

10-05-13, 15:39
I used to get this too. At the height of my anxiety I didn't believe a thing my doctor told me. I used to wonder how the hell they knew I didn't have a tumour or MS just by making you do those little neuro tests - surely I needed proper bloods tests and scans!!! I would leave the surgery feeling relieved for 10 minutes or so then I would convince myself I hadn't made myself clear about something or I forgot to tell her about......! Unfortuantely it's all part of the anxiety mind trick game. You've already convinced yourself something is very wrong and nobody else is picking up on it. I found the best way to get over that is just to mentally 'accept' within myself that something was possibly wrong and carry on. Months down the line I'm still here and I have no recurring or worsening symptoms of the thing I thought I had. xx

11-05-13, 10:38
So Hey everyone, I've always had health anxiety . I always make the doctors give me test because I never believe what they say for longer then a day anyway. Any,who, I just had an oral biopsy done on something I thought needed it. My dentist said it was nothing to be concerned about and assured me she was 99.9 % sure it was nothing, but did the biopsy anyway for my piece of mind. OMG, why cant iI just believe her and go on about my business until the results come in??? WHY because I have to look all over the damn internet and everything is freaking cancer.UGH PLease help me understand , that I need to trust the dentist!!!!!!

Understand what you're going through, I have the same problem. Doctors feel around, take my temperature, search for infection, tell me the lumps are nothing to worry about. My mind's at ease for a couple of days, then I start worrying about something I forgot to tell them, them missing something, them not doing proper tests etc. I avoid demanding biopsies and blood tests etc. partly because I don't want to enable myself and partly because I'm scared they will be what I'm scared of, hope you make it through this. Another thing I've come to realise is almost every single symptom and sensation can be linked to some form of cancer or the other, that's the problem with googling symptoms.

11-05-13, 13:24
I also had bad health anxiety, I have worried a lot in the last year with worrying about do I have bowel, pancreatic, stomach etc cancer. I been told I have IBS even though I had abdominal ultrasound, my abdominal felt lots of time, rectal exam a few times, blood pressure taken (I got told off by the doctor why I wanted my blood pressure taken even though I was 29, I just wanted to know whether it was fine)

I went in with a huge list of cancers I would worried about on Tuesday (he is going to get me some help, maybe it was reduced some of these aches and pains)

I getting worst at the dentist, with the big fear of mouth, tonsil, tongue, gum, neck cancer, comes before worrying about cavities taken care off if needed.

As for eye doctor eye cancer, brain tumours etc.

Google, the Internet health websites (NHS, bupa, Macmillan, Cancer Research does make things worst for me, it say symptoms could be other causes, why do I jump for the worst outcome, because I am scared of cancer. I worry about every ache, pain etc.