View Full Version : Constant Dizziness, pressure on head and nose

10-05-13, 00:25
hi there,
I am a 21 year old male from the UK and was just wondering if anybody could shine some light on my problem please.
it started about 10 months ago when I was on my way to work and I started to feel slightly cold and got abit dizzy, this lasted for ten or so minutes and once I sat down it went and I was completely fine afterwards. this continued to happen a couple of times a week for about a month or so then started happening everyday 2 to 3 times. recently over the past month or so I have started to feel pressure on the bridge of my nose but it isn't constant and comes and goes all day every day.
earlier today I felt a slight stabbing pain near my heart and started to feel very dizzy and uncomfy, this scarred me allot.
now I have being constantly dizzy for about 8 months straight from the second I wake up to the second I go to sleep, I havn't been able to work because of this.
I have been to the doctors and had been prescribed several different medications for anxiety and stress ect. and nothing has seemed to make any difference, I have tried excersizing daily to see if getting any fitter would help it but that didn't either. ive had ear and eyes tests and everything seems to be perfectly fine.
the best way I can describe my dizziness is my vision is constantly fuzzy, like seeing static on a television constantly and I occasionally loose my balance.
it is really really starting to get me down now with not being able to work and not being able to do most things because of it, some days I have even felt so depressed about it I've cried. I honestly have no idea what it is, all I want to do it get back to work and get back to my life as it was. hopefully somebody will be able to shed some light on this and help me through it.
cheers sam.

Jon Dimond
10-05-13, 12:16
Hi Sam,

I'm sorry I don't have any answers but I can tell you that I feel a lot of the same symptoms and they developed in a similar time frame. I'm currently taking citalopram and propanalol, but so far the jury is out on how effective they are. I'm now fairly convinced that Anxiety is the cause of these problems.

10-05-13, 13:36
Hi, I have had the same symptoms for over a month now, woke up one day really dizzy, since then I have has. Foggy head everyday along with other things that my anxiety has set off because of the dizzy thing.

10-05-13, 18:36
i suffer the exact same but not with chest pains mine is caused by pains in my head

10-05-13, 20:14
Hi Sam I am having really similar problems, and I totally understand your frustration and depression about it, it's very difficult to deal with being dizzy all the time.

I have been going to a physiotherapist who specialises in balance, it's called vestibular rehabilitation therapy. You should check out if anyone in your area does this, they can test your balance system to see where your problems are and then give you exercises to help you get back on track. It's really helped me over the last few months and it may be good for you too.

My therapist thinks that I have chronic migraine associated vertigo, which is weird because I've never really had much head pain! But I do have daily visual symptoms like you such as fuzzy vision, everything looking weird and the lights looking dazzling. It usually gets worse as the day goes on and I get tired. I have lots of other symptoms along with it, but the main one is a constant sense of imbalance and then patches of feeling very dizzy.

If you'd like to know more about VRT or the migraine associated vertigo I can give you some links.

16-02-18, 18:10
Hi all,

I’ve registered on this forum to post specifically on thread as I was just as lost about the static as you are. The static that you see is due to a condition known as visual snow and it used to be categorised with aura migraines but not anymore. I remember seeing the static for ever since I was 5 - 6 but it can also be caused by drug use. I also have the dizziness and the brain fog. This is a neurological condition and not an eye problem as I’ve been seen by numerous ophthalmologists and my eyes are perfectly healthy. Unfortunately, there’s no cure at the moment and I’ve been referred to by my GP and Moorfields Eye Hospital to Professor Goadsby’s Visual Snow Clinic at King’s College Hospital but there’s a long waiting list and after a year, I’m still waiting. The good news are you are not alone and research is being done at the moment. I’ve tried everything and this is what I found helps:

1) Adopt mindfulness as part of your lifestyle:
Watch Mark William’s lecture on YouTube ( I hope the link works or you can search and it will come up).
I am convinced that it has partly something to do with oxygen in the brain and by being mindful and breathing, it not only reduces stress and anxiety it brings more oxygen to your brain. I also downloaded the app called ‘Mindful’ it’s free and it changed my life.
2) Use the night mode on your phone and laptop. The static is worse on white than any other colour.
3) Start doing yoga or some other form of exercise that stretches your neck muscles and back. My personal favourite is Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube and I do the gentle morning programme that has a lot of back and neck stretches. Find what is comfortable for you but this helped a great deal.
4) AVOID Sudafed Decongestant tablets!!! The chemical produces a great deal of anxiety and my static and dizziness drove me crazy when I took them.
5) Eat loads of vegetables and fruit -onion rings do not count ;) - and NO sugar and NO caffeine!! I drink sencha green tea with half a teaspoon of honey and fresh ginger every day. You can skip the ginger if you don’t like it. I’m also taking lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin C and D and Omega 3 supplements. Try and get a pure version of these that are derived from natural sources rather than man made. Brands like Solgar are the best but not the most affordable.

My visual snow hasn’t gone away and I doubt that it will but it’s so much better now. If you need any more info feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy help out in any way I can. Good luck!